“People among animals, animals among humans: literary inspirations”
Nationwide literary and art competition organized by the Association of Teachers of Librarians of Polish Schools, Branch in Krakow
DOG RESCUE Association Love Respect Help
Manor of Chechnya
The motto of the competition for inspiration:
Animals in our lives do not come without reason:
they teach us how to become a better person.
C. Millan, Cesar’s way. [Source: https://pl.wikiquote.org; CC BY – SA]
Secondary school students: a literary work inspired by the motto of the competition. The subject of the work must refer to literature.
Any literary form. The text may contain an illustration made in any technique by the student himself.
Up to 2 pages in A4 size 12 Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, standard margins. Individual work. The description of the work should include the name of the creator and the title of the work to which the work refers. Attachment. 2 of the Regulations
Deadline for sending literary works: January 24, 2017 to the e-mail address of the school library rekrutacja@test.centralcom.pl
Literary works should only be sent by e-mail, recommended PDF format.
All participants taking part in the competition require the consent of the parent or legal guardian to process personal data and consent to the dissemination of the image. Attachment. 1 of the Regulations
Competition rules: