School Day – December 14, 2016

The Day of the Patron of the School combines two important events for the community of Six: the birthday and name day of the bard of the Polish nation and the patron of our school, Adam Mickiewicz, and the oath of the banner of friends from the first grades, who thus become full-fledged students of Secondary School No. 6.

This year’s celebration on December 14, 2016, we celebrated at KIJÓW Cinema in the company of distinguished guests: Mr. Bogusław Kośmider, President of the City Council of Krakow, Mrs. Halina Cimer of the Małopolska Vice-Curator of Education, Mr. Łukasz Słoniowski, Chairman of the Education Committee of the City Council of Krakow, Mr. Łukasz Wantuch, City Councilor of Krakow, Mr. Assessor Antonio Jose Navarro Betancor, representing Mr. Tadeusz Kościuszko in Krakow, Mrs. Magdalena Bassary, Mrs. Barbara Silberring.

Traditionally, for the tenth time, the Gala was graced by a performance by the School Theater PROSCENIUM based on motifs from the life and work of Adam Mickiewicz. The performance “How did the philomaths love?” was warmly received by the invited guests, teachers, students, parents and alumni.
In the last part of the ceremony, we listened to a concert by the School Symphony Orchestra of the State Secondary Music School Władysław Żeleński in Kraków under the baton of Joanna Natalia Ślusarczyk.