Meetings with parents – April 11, 2017 (Tuesday)

Dear parents of students of the 6th High School,

we kindly inform you that there will be class meetings on April 11, 2017 (Tuesday).

Classes I and II – hours 17.30

Class III – hours 18.15

The classroom schedule will be available on the information board on the ground floor of the school building.

Dear Sir or Madam!

Contemporary times carry many threats for the young generation:

– cyberbullying

– adolescence disorders (depression, anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, self-destructive behavior, addictions)

As a school, we constantly observe the phenomena and support your children by shaping appropriate attitudes and social competences. In this process, cooperation with parents is extremely important.

Thus, we cordially invite you on April 11, 2017 at 17.00 to the lyceum hall (room 312) for a psychoeducational meeting entitled “My teenager – problem – or challenge?”