Weronika Tupaj, the author of the best texts in the first edition of the Znak w Szkole project, received the first prize – a one-week summer internship at the Editorial Board of Znak monthly. Below is a short account of the winner. We would also like to congratulate and thank all participants of the project for their commitment and interesting work.

We invite you to participate in the second edition of the project. We accept applications via the Librus journal.

Project supervisors
Iwona Ryż and Jakub Pstrąg

On the map of Krakow, there is a place where the intellectual life of Poland is co-created, eating delicious dinners and drinking fantastic coffee. You can discuss, review, read the submitted texts, correct mistakes and observe the flawless work of ingenious people.

This place also exists in reality, what’s more, I had the opportunity to become part of it for a while. Thanks to VILO’s participation in the program “ZNAK at school”, the editors of the monthly “ZNAK” hosted me for a week. During the internship, I had the opportunity to see how this extraordinary newspaper is created and how the unusual atmosphere of the surrounding environment is created. I hope to join him permanently someday.

Weronika Tupaj