The bilingual section with Spanish at Secondary School No. 6 is celebrating its 20th anniversary.

The culmination of the anniversary of the founding of the section fell on April 25 this year, in which we were honored by the presence of the Spanish Ambassador to Poland, Francisco Javier Sanabria Valderrama. Other distinguished guests, among them, also took part in the ceremony Dr. Ewa Włodarczyk Director of the Department of Educational Strategy and Vocational Pragmatics at the Board of Education in Krakow, Fernando Martínez-Vara de Rey de Irezábal Director of the Cervantes Institute in Krakow, Judith Gil Clotet Director of Teaching at the Cervantes Institute in Krakow and dr hab. Ewa Nawrocka Head of the Department of Spanish Philology at the Jagiellonian University. Among the other official guests were presentrepresentatives of the Krakow Fowler Brotherhood in the person of the King and Marshal – Piotr Mikosz and Zbigniew Szota – who awarded the title of honorary member of the Brotherhood to the Ambassador of Spain.

The ceremony began with a performance by students of the 1st and 2nd degree music school
them. Bronisław Rutkowski, Małgorzata Bogusz and Danuta Kasperczyk, who performed the works of Boss in re – Jorge Morel and Milonge – Jorge Cardoza. Then he spoke
Mr. Czesław Wróbel, PhD, Director of Secondary School No. 6, who warmly welcomed all the guests and summarized the activities of the bilingual section with Spanish, pointing to its most important successes, including twice won the title of the best Spanish language school in Poland. In his speech, the Ambassador expressed appreciation for the achievements of the Spanish section so far and conveyed congratulations on the 20th anniversary of its existence to the Management, Teachers and Students.

In the official part, diplomas and awards were presented to the winners and finalists of the sixth edition of the competition for junior high school students “Different faces of Spain”, organized by the Board of Education in Krakow and VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adam Mickiewicz in Krakow under the patronage of the Office of Counsel for Education in Warsaw. Then, the Ambassador congratulated and presented the awards to the best students of our section: Julia Śliwińska, Aleksandra Wajda, Aleksandra Komuda, Katarzyna Borowiec and Iga Walencik.

The artistic part began with a classical dance show by Małgorzata Cierlik “Variation Kitri” from the ballet “Don Quijote”. Then we had the opportunity and undoubted pleasure to see the play “La Bella Dorotea” by Miguel Mihura, awarded second place during the Spanish Theater Festival in Warsaw, performed by students of the bilingual section, who delighted the audience with the level of interpretive skills
and linguistic.

The ceremonial meeting ended with a nice chat with the school’s management and teachers, during which Mr. Czesław Wróbel, Ph.D., Director of Secondary School No. 6 and Mr. Francisco Javier Sanabria Valderrama, Ambassador of Spain
in Poland, they exchanged their impressions and expressed their satisfaction with the cooperation so far, and declared further strengthening of mutual relations between Secondary School No. 6 and the Office of Education Counselor at the Spanish Embassy.