School Day – December 20, 2018

On December 20, 2018, we celebrated the School Day in the Kijów Centrum cinema.

We were honored with their presence:

Ms Anna Korfel-Jasińska, Deputy Mayor of the City of Krakow for Education and Sports

Mr. Łukasz Wantuch, Deputy Chairman of the Krakow City Council

Inspector Bożena Walczak, representing the Małopolska Superintendent of Education

Mr. Dr. Bix Aliu – Consul General of the United States in Poland

Professor Jacek Purchla Chairman of the Polish UNESCO Committee

Ms. Anna Korfel-Jasińska, Deputy Mayor of the City of Krakow for education and sport, symbolically handed over the new banner of Secondary School No. 6 to the headmaster of the school, Czesław Wróbel.

The new School Banner is in the shape of a square. The reverse is red. The national emblem – a silver and gold eagle with a head decorated with a golden crown facing right is placed against this background. Spread wings symbolize the pursuit of the highest flight, readiness to overcome obstacles and difficulties. Above the eagle the inscription Rzeczpospolita Polska, and below two dates, the first 1918 is the date of regaining independence, and the date 2018 is the date of founding the flag for the 100th anniversary of regaining independence.

The obverse is cornflower blue, like the color of flowers in the fields of Polish cereals. In the upper part there is the name of the school, ie VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adam Mickiewicz in Krakow.

The central part is a fragment of the portrait of Adam Mickiewicz, according to the portrait of Walenty Wańkowicz, Portrait of Adam Mickiewicz on Judah rock probably established in the years 1827–1828. Below the portrait, the school’s motto is taken from the Ode to Youth: You fly above the levels of youth, and information about the date the school was founded, i.e. 1902.

Then, the first-grade students took the oath as a banner of the school, joining the ranks of six students.

The invited guests gave speeches.

We also celebrated the 25th anniversary of the bilingual section with English in our school.

A student of this section, Krzysztof Sącz from class 3A1, whose tutor is Ms Joanna Klaja, last year’s finalist of the English Language Olympics, delivered the Invocation of Pan Tadeusz in English.

Then we listened to a concert by the school choir.

Choir VI LO im. Adam Mickiewicz started its activity in September 2017 on the initiative of the director Czesław Wróbel. The choir’s conductor is a graduate of the Academy of Music in Krakow – Mrs. Marta Krawczyk
In the current school year, the Choir won: a distinction in the Music Competition meeting with Kaczmarski and a patriotic song, and first place in the 3rd Autumn Singing Choir Competition in Old Krakow.
The repertoire prepared for the gala was entirely in English for a reason. It is a tribute from the Choir towards the English section, which this year celebrates its beautiful jubilee.

We listened to:
1. Im singing in the rain – a song from the musical Rain song
2. Once upon a december – a song from the animated film. Anastasia
3. You raise me up – a song by the Secret Garden duo,

4. Bring me little water, Silvy is a traditional North American folk melody from the beginning of the 20th century
5. Lollipop Everlasting Song from 1958 by Julius Dixon and Beverly Ross

Two extraordinary graduates of VILO anno domini 2018 are part of the community of six. Weronika Tupaj, a graduate of the bilingual section with English, the only high school graduate in Poland, who in May this year obtained 100% results in all matura exams. In the first class, she became the Laureate of the Polish Language Olympiad, and in the third class, the winner of the 1st place in the Artistic Olympiad, and in each class, i.e. 1, 2 and 3 she received a school certificate with honors. Scholarship holder of the Prime Minister, scholarship holder of the Minister of National Education, scholarship holder of the Sapere Auso Foundation. Silver pen award winner. History of Art. With Cultural student at the University of Leeds

Katarzyna Czekaj laureate of the National Italian Language Competition – in 2018 winner of the 1st place, in 2017 winner of the 4th place, laureate of the Lesser Poland Competition on Knowledge about Italy and Italian, Katarzyna obtained 100% of all matura exams, apart from mathematics, and 90% of the matura exam in mathematics %, student of Italian philology at the Jagiellonian University.

Then, Mr. Marek Wasiak, President of the Management Board of the ALWAYS WORTH Foundation, took the floor and together with Mrs. Maria Waliczek – Chairman of the Foundation’s Program Council and also the President of the Farmona Natural Cosmetics Laboratory, the sponsor of the awards, presented awards and a symbolic statuette of Swallows for the best high school graduate.

Mr. Czesław Wróbel, the headmaster of the secondary school and Mrs. Joanna Rudnik – the chairman of the Parents ‘Council, handed out scholarships to our talented graduates, specially funded by the Parents’ Council of High School No.

Michał Turcza, the President-Elect of the Students’ Self-Government, took an oath to all members of our school community

Mr. Czesław Wróbel, the headmaster of the secondary school, handed over prizes to the laureates of school competitions:

Competition devoted to the life and work of Adam Mickiewicz – the patron of the Secondary School – this year, the laureates of the competition were students of class 1e: Tomasz Piegza, Aleksandra Owczarz, Natalia Izbińska

In the artistic category, the jury awarded works by Gabriela Woźniak from class 1c, Marta Kucza from class 1g2 and Robert Guniewicz from class 1g2

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of regaining independence, the students of Secondary School No. 6 tested their historical knowledge in the competition “Reborn 1918-1939”. The winners of this competition were:
1st place Igor Dziedzic from class 3e

2nd place: Barłomiej Hałatek from class 1e

3rd place: Zuzanna Słobodzian from class 1b

distinctions: Łukasz Baran from class 3e
Hubert Cora from class 1g1
Aleksandra Janik from class 1f

PROSCENIUM Theater presented a performance entitled “Such were the games, disputes in those years …” – a performance inspired by Adam Mickiewicz’s “Pan Tadeusz”. Text adaptation and direction: prof. Marlena Maciejewska. Musical arrangement: prof. Katarzyna Płaza.

For many years, the School Patron Day has been graced with concerts of the orchestra and soloists of the State Secondary Music School Władysław Żeleński in Krakow. Our ceremony was graced by the concert of friends of VIO Liceum – Crazy Accordion Trio led by prof. Maciej Gładys !!!

The following pieces took us to the magical land of music:

1. Avicii – Wake me up

2. Queen – Show must go on

3. Sting – Englishman in New York

4. The Beatles – Yesterday

5. Motion Trio – Balcan Dance