Cooperation with the Dr Clown Foundation

At the beginning of the school year, we launched another edition of the project to support the inhabitants of Krakow Nursing Homes as part of cooperation with the Dr Clown Foundation. The new group of volunteers includes artistically talented young people who have set the bar exceptionally high for themselves. We intend to prepare a performance “from scratch”, ie create our own script, prepare our own costumes and scenery. There will also be a musical setting supervised by our graduate – Urszula Bizunowicz. We also hope to play our own instruments. The script is extremely colorful, written especially with the demanding audience in mind. We do not want to reveal too many details, we will only say that the action will take place in the well-known years of the Polish People’s Republic. There will be a spicy love thread, and there will also be a large dose of humor. However, in order to amuse such a demanding audience, we must be well prepared. We gained appropriate competences during a special training called “Laughter therapy”, during which we gained a lot of important information about the Dr Clown Foundation itself, we learned the secrets of working with children (which is especially valuable for those who want to visit the youngest in hospitals in the future), we had a great time by learning magic tricks and learning to tie balloons. We have also received valuable tips thanks to which our show will fulfill its role and bring a smile to the lips of patients from every retirement home.

Aleksandra Ferek