Science and film camp, grade 2c

On October 25-27, a class 2C film, science and theater camp took place in Zakrzów. The extremely charming place allowed us, in addition to holding history and hair classes, to organize film evenings and theater games.

Time was passing very intensively – as part of the scientific classes, we listened to a very interesting lecture by our friend Ania about Roman emperors and debated on current topics as part of the vote. An extremely interesting experience was the project prepared by Daria, who organized our LARP, a kind of role-playing game played live. It is a form of fun, similar to an improvised theatrical play that hooked us for over 2 hours! The film knowledge quiz also aroused a lot of emotions – the girls did their best because they prepared 90 questions, and the emotions accompanied us until the very end. In our free time, we played board games or we had a good time singing by the fire.

One day was devoted to discovering the history of the immediate area. We visited the manor house in Stryszów, where we admired the exhibition “The Interiors of the Polish Manor in the 19th Century”. The exhibition presents the typical interior of a 19th century country manor house. The manor house itself – although small, stuck in our memory as a truly charming place.

Unfortunately, three days passed quickly and our camp came to an end. Despite the autumn weather, which brought us rain on the day of our departure, everyone left in good spirits, retaining fond memories.