Ola about the award in the ZNAK W SCHKOLE project – a summer internship in the editorial office of the Znak monthly

In the recent period of time, I had the great pleasure to fill my holiday frolics with a week’s experience in the editorial office of the monthly “Znak” (how did it happen? What did you eat with?). I will not divide it here, but which previously seemed to me very mysterious and ambiguous. I encourage you to get to know it.

Suggestion: Headline: short but succinct. The smell of permanent work and office coffee, enriched with an extremely open and cordial team of the Miesięcznik, for which the editorial board is almost a lifestyle, long disputes on the border of philosophy, religion, art and natural sciences, awakened my faith in the bright future of individuals who are uncertain and undecided about their path career I belong to. The mere specter of performing the function of a kind of Socrates, cooking delicious and sophisticated dishes for the thirsty for knowledge and answers to the people’s bothering questions, can put a humanist in admiration, especially a frightened intern. By looking under the lining of creating the monthly, seeing its prime factors, knowing exactly the type, weight and color of the paper, one is able to see a huge and very satisfying picture of the work of many creative and world-curious people who want to expand new and new horizons both for themselves and their readers. .

If among those interested there are those who really want to deepen (dismantle, crush, roll, mix …) the controversial content, or shape the controversy around these seemingly obvious, if one of you deigns to doubt in your life, or wants to enter the world of the current culture directly, drawing on knowledge about its foundations and caprices from the best sources, I strongly encourage you to participate in the meetings of the “ZNAKU at school” and apply for those few hours of work that may result in stimulating passion and hope, or simply guarantee a ruler in the CV that requires improvement.

Aleksandra A. from the third grade