National Booktrailer Film Festival Competition

Complex of General Secondary Schools No. 2 for them. St. Jadwiga Królowej in Nowy Targ invites you to participate in the first edition of the national competition “Booktrailer Film Festival”. The project is addressed to primary and secondary school students aged 14-18.

Booktrailer Film Festival is an educational undertaking promoting reading among young people. Its idea is based on combining tradition and modernity – combining learning about literature with new technologies, integrating the art of the word and the language of cinema, developing competences related to cooperation in a group and a thorough analysis of literary activity. The project encourages reading, teaches and stimulates creativity.

The participants’ task is to prepare a two-minute film promoting the selected book, i.e. the book-trailer. The competition is held simultaneously in Italy, France and Bulgaria. The five films with the highest scores according to the jury’s evaluation will be submitted to the international finals of the competition in Brescia (Italy).

The condition for participation in the competition is the prior submission of the application to the organizer of the national preliminaries by the end of February 2018 to the address and completing the application form available on the website in the period from January 15 to March 12, 2018. The final of the competition will be held on April 6, 2018 in Nowy Targ.

Detailed information on the competition is available on the website: