On February 7, our school was visited by Mr. Walter Braunohler, the US Consul General with a presentation / lecture on the relations between Poland and the USA in the context of the hundredth anniversary of Poland regaining independence.

The Consul recalled important facts connecting our countries and referred to the message made in Congress by President Thomas Woodrow Wilson on January 8, 1918.

Point 13 related to the issue of Poland’s independence:

“13. An independent Polish state should be erected which should include the territories inhabited by indisputably Polish population, which should be assured a free and secure access to the sea, and whose political and economic independence and territorial integrity should be guaranteed by international covenant. “

Ponadto, Pan Konsul nawiązał do dokumentu  Polish Declarations of Admiration and Friendship for the United States, which was established in 1926 on the 150th anniversary of signing the Declaration of Independence. The Poles then signed a special birthday card. The signatures were made by 5.5 million Polish citizens, headed by President Ignacy Mościcki. Currently 111 volumes of this special correspondence have been digitized. It is accessed at the famous Library of Congress. It’s worth seeing the movie:
‘From Poland with Love’


On the occasion of the upcoming Fat Thursday, the Consul was given donuts by us. In the photo with students from class 3a2 Natalia Okarmus and Tomasz Majka, who until recently was the President of VILO.

More on : www.facebook.com/krakow.usconsulate