12th edition of the Małopolska Beautiful Reading Competition – distinction

KAROLINA KRUŹLAK from class 2E received a DISTINCTION in the 12th edition of the Małopolska Competition of Beautiful Reading in the category of upper secondary schools.


The ceremonial gala of the Competition: the presentation of diplomas and prizes for the Champions, Runners-up and Honored Persons will be held on March 27, 2019 (Wednesday) at 1000 at the Provincial Public Library in Krakow, ul. Rajska 1 (Lending Room and Workshop for Children).

52 winners of school eliminations from upper secondary schools participated in the competition, and were judged by a jury composed of:

Chairwoman: Iwona Uryga, member of TNBSP, Krakow Branch

Maciej Słota, theater and film actor

Inga Jaworska, employee of the Provincial Public Library in Krakow

Aldona Kruk, employee of the Provincial Pedagogical Library in Krakow