241st anniversary of the independence of the United States of America at the Kościuszko Mound

US Ambassador Paul W. Jones and Consul General Walter M. Braunohler

invited representatives of High School No. 6 to a party on the occasion of the 241st anniversary of the independence of the States

United States of America at the Kościuszko Mound. We were there with the others

invited Cracovians!

4th July – Independence Day of the USA

From the left: Chairwoman of the Team of English Prof. Agnieszka Batko, prof. Ewa Lubińska,

prof. Katarzyna Płaza, prof. Anna Moskała.

From the left: prof. Ewa Lubińska, Ambassador Paul Jones with his wife,

Consul General Walter Braunohler with his wife,

prof. Anna Moskała, prof. Katarzyna Płaza, prof. Agnieszka Batko.