A letter from the Parents’ Council of Secondary School No. 6 in Krakow to the parents of the first grade students.

We cordially welcome you to the group of parents of students of Secondary School No. 6 in Krakow
and congratulations on the successful completion of recruitment to the high school. We are glad to be together
You chose our school with the Children.

The Students’ Council of Secondary School Students actively supports the Management and Teachers in their educational and upbringing activities. We present the Parents’ needs and expectations to the Management. We represent parents in various situations, both difficult and honorable. Parents also support extracurricular activities that give students development opportunities – and above all – allow our children to pursue their passions and dreams. Pupils,
in a particularly difficult situation, they can count on help in the form of co-financing for trips and trips to science camps, competitions and Olympics. All kinds of scientific and artistic projects carried out by students during the school year are also co-financed. All prizes, diplomas and distinctions for the youth are financed from the contributions of the Parents’ Council.

The Parents’ Council of High School No. 6 in Krakow warmly invites you to cooperation !!!

We encourage you to: participate in parental meetings, work
in departmental Parents ‘Councils, cooperation within the Presidium of the Parents’ Council.

All parents of first-grade students are asked to provide financial support for activities undertaken by the Parent Council, including an initial payment of PLN 200, to the Parent Council of Secondary School No. 6 in Krakow, receiving a souvenir tie with the school’s logo, which the students they assume for all school celebrations. It is a distinction and identification with the selected school, which strengthens the ties of belonging to the student community of High School No. 6. One of the options to make the above-mentioned payment will be to collect on July 10, 2018 and collect the tie on the day of the meeting, another option is to make a payment to the account of the Parent Council

in Bank Zachodni WBK No. 31 1500 1142 1211 4004 5361 0000 (addressee: Parent Council VI LO 31-057 Kraków, ul. Wąska 7),

and then, with confirmation of the initial payment, collection of the tie at the secretary’s office of the high school.

We ask you to support the Parents’ Council during the school year. Contributions are voluntary. In September of each year, at the Parent Council’s meeting, you can learn about the settlement of expenses and participate in setting further goals for spending the collected funds. We also encourage you to take action for the benefit of the school in any other form, for example in organizing thematic lessons and courses for students, inviting young people to interesting places. We’d love to hear from you other suggestions. We are waiting for you!!!

Information about Parent Council meetings can be found on the school’s website in the “FOR PARENTS” tab.

We wish your Children many successes and great moments in the walls of the VI. Adam Mickiewicz in Krakow!

On behalf of the Parents’ Council of LO VI

Grażyna Augustyniak, Chairwoman