Chemical competitions

Podkarpacki Chemistry Competition Ignacy Łukasiewicz

We encourage you to take part in the Podkarpackie Chemical Competition. Ignacy Łukasiewicz. All details about the competition and tasks from previous editions can be found on the Organizer’s website:

The willingness to participate should be reported to the chemistry teacher by October 6, 2017, at the same time paying the entry fee of PLN 20.

Chemistry Olympiad

We invite you to participate in the 64th Chemistry Olympiad.

To participate in the Olympics, you must register on the Organiser’s website: by October 21, 2016 and send the solutions to the preliminary tasks to the appropriate District Committee by October 29, 2016. Please remember that that the tasks should be assessed by the chemistry teacher before sending the solutions.

More details about the Olympics on the mentioned website or from chemistry teachers.