Class Ic on the field game – April 12, 2017

On April 12, 2017, the art and film class (1c) took part in a field game around Krakow’s Kazimierz. The game started around 9 am. The organizers divided the class into two groups: gold and blue. Each was accompanied by one teacher and one representative of the travel agency that organized the fun. Both groups were instructed. The game was to find hidden clues in the indicated places. Additionally, two people were appointed to search for triangular cards with a black menorah. It was a handicap. The clue envelopes and (as they were named) menorquins were in the team colors. Thanks to teamwork, both groups managed very well (even if their leg crumbled, they managed to get out of this situation sooner or later). They visited many interesting places in Kazimierz, learned some interesting things and had a good time. At the end of the field game, the organizers handed them badges as a souvenir of this adventure. The class was pleased despite the fact that some menorques were not found because tourists had done so.

Natalia Siwik, 1c