Competition of knowledge about the patron of the school – results

On December 2, an annual competition was held to test the knowledge of the first graders about the school’s patron, Adam Mickiewicz. This year, due to the double year of the first classes, the competition took place in two rounds, so we have double teams of winners. The head does not hurt from the shrine, and the more VILO students know the “intimate” details of our Prophet’s biography and work, the better.

The representatives of the first classes fought fiercely, because what mattered was not only knowledge, but also the speed of answering. Sometimes they were at the top. It also happened that in the heat of battle, even though you knew the correct answer, the wrong button was pressed. But the rules of the contest are inexorable, someone has to fall off for someone to win.

Here are this year’s experts from Mickiewicz:

Class 1Ap: Zuzanna Tokarz, Emilia Jakubiec, Maciej Gruca;

Class 1c: Julia Jagiełło, Marta Stopa, Anna Wojak;

Congratulations and good luck in further exploring the knowledge of the patron of the school, because he still hides many secrets.

Magdalena Wójcik