Integration trip Ic – 20/09/2019

On September 20 at 7:50 am, class Ic gathered at the corner of ul. Dajwór and Miodowa to go to Wiśnicz. Of course, at the very beginning there were problems entitled “I do not embrace the streets of Krakow” and if not for the advice of those with any orientation in the field, the bus would have departed without a significant part

Fortunately, everyone found themselves and the hour-long drive began. 2/3 of people fought for them not to float away into the land of eternal dreams, and the remaining 1/3 listened to the history of Wiśnicz with one ear, while the other was dedicated to listening to the story of a friend next door.

We got to Wiśnicz, where the temperature either
a) it fell 9 days and 9 nights like an anvil from heaven
b) it was the same as in Krakow, but we were spoiled by the heat of the bus.
And it was because of the cold that we started to integrate intensively. It is known that the best way to fight the frost is the warmth of another person, so we all started breaking the record for “Most people in a group hug”.

Visiting the castle fascinated the class, but some were drawn to things not described by the guide, such as beautiful medieval fuses and sockets, or the art of instant self-portrait using a telephone and antique mirrors.

After leaving the palace and having a quick coffee, the class visited Jan Matejko’s mansion, who charmed the students with its history and beautiful, free-flowing peacocks.

The next point in the plan was a bonfire in Frankówka Mała. However, it wasn’t the sausages that caught the attention of the class, but the sunbeds. The discovery helped to realize the greatest dream of every high school student – an afternoon nap straight from kindergarten. We folded up in a circle surrounding the loudspeaker, not the fire, and the operation “Relax” began to move.

After a successful pseudo-nap (“pseudo”, because no one managed to fall asleep), it was time to eat. Sausages, bread, and marshmallows all at once (the former and latter were in some cases more like coal than any food item).

Of course, no party-like event can do without dancing; Belgian started and YMCA ended. On the way, iconic pieces such as Macarena and Ducklings passed. Teenagers began to look more and more like the wild company at a Polish wedding.

Tired of dancing, VILOS returned to their recliners, where the idea to play the mafia was born. This idea lived a successful life and died surrounded by friends and gangsters. Then he was resurrected, because class Ic was liked by the mafia and they decided to play for the second time in the last 15 minutes before departure.

The return to Krakow was singing, literally. The art class is fond of chirping like nightingales (or in the case of those without musical talents: meowing like a cat complaining of lack of food despite a full bowl). The high school students came back a bit more tired, maybe with a bit more torn throats – but also a bit more integrated and a bit happier.