Italian Culture and Language Day – 6.02.2018

February 6. For most communities, VI LO is just another page torn out of the calendar, but for lovers of the Italian language it was an unforgettable day. It was then that the students from our school, studying this beautiful speech, could participate in an extremely pleasant and developing meeting, and immerse themselves in the fascinating culture of Italy. Of course, we are talking about the “Day of Italian Culture and Language”, organized annually in the sixth high school for our students.

This year, we managed to provide a lot of attractions. We were honored with his personality by a native of Italy, MA Filippo Camagni from the Jagiellonian University.

In his lecture “La storia della lingua italiana” he presented the origins and history of the Italian language. He also told a bit about dialects and mentioned a few interesting facts, including proverbs worth remembering from various regions of Italy.

After the lecture, it is time for presentations prepared by students. Gabriela Wiśniewska (1a1) and Konrad Kemski (1a1) presented us with the stories of the largest Italian automotive concerns. Then Aleksandra Ferek (2c) gave us a fascinating presentation, who introduced us to the history of pizza – dishes that can be considered one of the symbols of sunny Italy. Right after that, it’s time for dessert – presentation “Italian sweets”, presented by: Jowanka Rzońca and Kaja Murzyń (1a2)

As you can guess, the topics of the lectures significantly whetted the students’ appetites. It was time for a break, during which we had a chance to taste the dish “cartocciata catanese” – a typical product from the city of Catania in Sicily.

After a delicious meal, we returned with renewed energy for the second part of the Italian day.

Another point of the meeting were the screenings of the films prepared by our students, aimed at promoting the learning of the Italian language. Then these productions took part in the competition. The competition was at a very high level, but eventually the winners were selected.

The first place went to Jowanka Rzońca and Kaja Murzyn (1a2) for the film “Come fare una brutta figura” (“How to make a bad impression”).

The second place (after the necessary extra time) was won by: Katarzyna Wątor (2e), Anna Zuba (2b) and Łukasz Słowiński (2e) for the film “Latte o caffe ‘latte” (“Milk or coffee with milk”).

The time has come for the musical performances of our students. Małgorzata Biskup and Wiktoria Suder (1g) gave a great concert on the violin, performing a mix of the most popular Italian songs. The saxophonist Julia Grela (1d) impressively played the song “L’italiano” for us. At the very end, we were lucky to hear the phenomenal soprano by Martyna Raczek, performing the piece “Voi che sapete che cosa è amor” from Mozart’s opera “The Marriage of Figaro”.

The last item on the program was a knowledge quiz about history, geography, culture and Italian, the winners of which (also after a stormy overtime) were: Aleksandra Ambrożewicz, Kacper Dziadkowiec and Aleksandra Ferek (2c). Congratulations to all winners!

After exciting competitions, it’s time to end. The prizes for the winners and co-authors of the meeting were presented by the deputy director of the sixth high school, Iwona Fedan, MA. After the ceremonial speech of the Deputy Director, the day of the Italian language was unfortunately over. Nevertheless, those beautiful, even idyllic moments will remain in our hearts for a long time, during which we could forget about the world for a moment and plunge into the fascinating world of sunny Italy …

Reported by: Aleksandra Ferek, 2c

Captured on a plate: Katarzyna Wątor, 2e

Organized by: Katarzyna Borejczuk, MA and Paulina Leśniak, MA