March 21 – International Day of Poetry

I am very grateful to all Polish teachers who offered some of their lessons and made it possible for young poets to create poetic reflections related to the school. A very interesting collection of poems has been created, which we will publish on the third floor of our high school. Thank you and congratulations to the students who took part in this lyrical endeavor.
Grażyna Fallowa

Here is one of the poems – author: Justyna Wielosik (IIF)

Something more than walls
Something more than space
Like in the subway
Their stories, experiences
One cliche
Each print is unique
Or less
A piece of history for a print
For the walls of the eye, a wink
One of many
A factory of red brick experiences
Each print is also a brick
And each building block creates an organism
Place of change
A stop on the way of life
The speeding youth of the tram