News in the school library

List news in the school library

The beauty story of Umberto Eco
The story of the ugliness of Umberto Eco,
Art More Precious Than Gold Jan Białostocki
Film Art, Film Art by David Bordwell and Kristen Thompson
History of Polish cinema – edited by T. Lubelski and K. Zarębski
Knights of St. Vitus – David B (Pierre-François Beauchard)
V for Vendetta by Allan Moore
Orlando – Virginia Woolf
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

Now high school graduation. Vademecum. Maths. Basic level
Now high school graduation. Vademecum. Maths. Advanced level
Now Matura 2017. Collection of tasks and matura sets. Maths. Basic level
Now Matura 2017. Collection of tasks and matura sets. Maths. Advanced level
Now Matura 2017. Matura sheets. Maths. Basic level
Now Matura 2017. Matura sheets. Maths. Advanced level

Tadeusz Borowski, Stories
Mikhail Bulgakov, Master and Margarita
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
Albert Camus, The Plague
Flaubert Gustave, Mrs. Bovary
J. W. Goethe, The Suffering of Young Werther
W. Gombrowicz, Ferdydurke
W. Gombrowicz, Transatlantyk
Herling-Grudziński G., Another world
Kafka F., Process
Prus B., Doll
Reymont W. S., Chłopi
Sophocles, King Oedipus
Słowacki J., Kordian
Shakespeare W., Macbeth
Żeromski S., Homeless people


Love me or kill me. Sarah Kane and the theater of extremes Author: Graham Saunders Publisher: Nowy Teatr / Korporacja Ha!
Actor’s play, Jean Benedetti
Fyodor Dostoyevski and the problems of culture Author: Anna Raźny (editors)
Space as an office of mirrors. Witold Gombrowicz’s Psychomachia Author: Dominik Sulej Publisher: Universitas
Women and Schulz, Anna Kaszuba- Dębska, Słow / Obraz

1000 Russian words (ek). Illustrated Russian-Polish and Polish-Russian dictionary. Author: Aljona Podlesnych, Julija Mamonowa, Natalia Celer, Publisher: Albatros Media Level Trading, Year of publication: 2012;
Polish-Russian idioms. Author: Wojciech Chlebda, Gołubiewa Albina, Wawrzyńczyk, Publisher: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, Year of publication: 2009;

Fundamentals of law, Z. Muras, ed. C.H. Beck 2015
Knowledge of the state and law. The outline of the lecture, A. Korybski, L. Grzonka, ed. Wolters Kluwer 2014
Human rights The outline of the lecture, J. Hołda, Z. Hołda, D. Ostrowska, J.A. Rybczyńska, pub. Wolters Kluwer 2014
Constitutional law, ed. Z Witkowski, A. Bień-Kacała, ed. Organizer’s House, Toruń 2015
Antoszewski A., The political system of the Republic of Poland, Warsaw 2012
Dudek A., Political history of Poland 1989-2012, Kraków 2013
Giddens A., Sociology, Warsaw 2006
Heywood A., Politology, Warsaw 2006
Izdebski H., Political and legal doctrines. Foundations of modern states, Warsaw 2015
Sarnecki P., Constitutional systems of modern states, Warsaw 2013
Wojciechowski S., Potyrał A. (ed.), Security of Poland: Contemporary Challenges, Warsaw 2014
Żmigrodzki M., Dziemidok-Olszewska B. (eds.), Contemporary political systems, Warsaw 2013

Geographical atlas for upper secondary schools

“About the boy who stopped being afraid and other unusual experiments.” P. Żak, pub. Characters
“Wise and useful. How psychology helps you live ”works. Collective edition Characters
“Mind over mood. Change your mood by changing the way you think ”Dennis Greenberger, Christine A. Padesky
“Melancholia” by Antoni Kępiński
Seligmann’s Psychopathology
“Biological Fundamentals of Psychology” J. Kalat
“Psychology. Key concepts. T1. Fundamentals of Psychology. Philips Zimbardo
“The Lucifer Effect – why good people do evil.” Philips Zimbardo
“Youth against each other. Eating disorders and self-harm how to help teenagers in school. ” Beata Ziółkowska, Jowita Wycisk, published by Difin
Man in Search of Meaning by Victor Frankl
“Executioner of love. Psychotherapeutic stories. ” Irvin Yalom
“Psychopaths Among Us” Robert D. Hare
“What People Play” by Eric Berne
“Toxic Parents” by Suzan Forward
“Introduction to Psychoanalysis” by Sigmunt Freud
“Psychopathology of everyday life.” S. Freud
“Archetypes and the collective unconscious” by Carl Gustav Jung
The Dynamics of the Unconscious by Carl Gustav Jung
Psychotherapy for Adult Children of Alcoholics. Strategies of the procedure and case descriptions of therapeutic prayers. ” Zofia Sobolewska-Mellibruda
The Anorectic Mind by Merilyn Lawrence

Barbara PAC: Chemistry. Exam sheets. Matura Edition 2017. Omega School Publishing House
K. Kaznowski: Chemistry. Matura exam sheets. Extended scope. Set 2, Pazdro Educational Outbuilding
K.H.Lautenschlager, and others … – Modern Compendium of Chemistry, PWN, Warsaw

Internal security problems in selected countries, S. Sulowski (ed), Wyd. Elipsa, Warsaw 2013.
Skrabacz A., Social security. Theoretical and practical foundations, Elipsa, Warsaw 2012.
Szlachter D., Fight against terrorism in the European Union, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2006.

Cambridge English Advanced 1 (for updated 2015 exam) Self Study Pack (Students Book with answers