For two years now, the VI High School has had the great pleasure of working with a partner school in Bad – Neuenahr Ahrweiler. At the beginning of September, we hosted 14 students and their guardians from Peter Joerres Gymnsium in Krakow. The program in Poland included, among others, visiting the Old Town, Oświęcim and Wieliczka.
Just a few days later, we packed our bags and flew to a picturesque town near Cologne. Beautiful weather, river and school located in the park. Can it be better? During our one-week stay we saw Bonn, Cologne and Koblenz. We also had the opportunity to visit the local TV station WDR, getting to know it “from the inside”. radio and television tricks. Something that made a great impression on us is the annual, traditional concert of the school Big Band! It is a great celebration for the school community, but also for the townspeople. It was a great job and great music!
Unfortunately, everything that is good ends quickly and it’s time to go back to our school walls. But we see you next year !!