As every year, we cordially invite you to the premieres of the Proscenium family. This time 4 plays prepared by 4 teams operating in the school. After each premiere, there will be a meeting with the creators, talks and a small party.

THE Brain of a madman on the stage – the proscene

March 13, 2020, 18.00

What is a metaphysical experience? Where are we looking for metaphysical experiences today? We asked ourselves these questions before we got acquainted with Witkacy’s views. We confronted our ideas with his judgments, and we passed everything through the prism of Miłosz’s comments. See for yourself what came out of it

Written and directed by: Marlena Maciejewska

(based on: Niensycenia and fragments of philosophical writings by Witkacy and Miłosz’s Captive mind)


Magdalena Bosak: Aristocratic Aunt

Maciej Grabowski: Putrycydes Tengier

Miriam Guzik: Irina Vsevolodovna

Gabriela Kowal: Demonic Woman

Gloria Krzyżak: Duchess of Ticonderoga

Jakub Nowak: Professor

Ignacy Peczkis: Prince Bazyli Ostrogski

Bianka Strzebońska: Donna Querpia Philosopher

Aleksander Szewczyk: Genezyp Kapen

Katarzyna Tatomir: Toldzia

Multimedia effects: Jan-Alexander Seraphim, Marcin Kamiński (recording)

Fragments of musical works were used in the performance: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Piano Concerto No. 21; Luigi Boccherini, Minuetto; Cracovia Danza, Menuet; Mozart Lacrimosa, Passaglia Della Vita, Who Made the Blinking Stars? (author of NN).



Premiere on March 19 at 17.30

It doesn’t postpone songs, exams, or the dentist, and most of all it doesn’t postpone love …

1950s. A group of friends from the Student Satirist Theater sang like colorful birds. The pretext for the presentation of games, meetings and dances is the love story of Agnieszka Osiecka and Marek Hłaska: full of contradictions, Great Story and differences of characters … Everything to the rhythm of Agnieszka Osiecka’s greatest hits and the hits of the 1950s.

Written and directed by: Marlena Maciejewska

(based on: letters from Agnieszka Osiecka and Marek Hłaska and book by P. Derlatka Zdradziecka Osiecka)


Kinga Gielarowska – STS actress

Jacek Niemiec – Krzysztof Komeda

Damian Orłów – Marek Hłasko older

Wiktoria Ożóg – Hania Żurek (Osiecka’s friend)

Gabriela Pietras – STS actress

Karolina Piskorz – STS actress

Natalia Radłowska – Agnieszka Osiecka older

Wojciech Ruszaj – the ambassador of the Polish People’s Republic in Israel, companion of Bida

Łucja Solewska – a friend of Osiecka

Aleksandra Smus – Osiecka’s friend

Julia Stokłosa – STS actress

Mateusz Szymkowicz – STS actor

Maksymilian Term – Leopold Tyrmand

Mikołaj Ustrzyński – Marek Hłasko young

Magdalena Wawrzeszkiewicz – companion secretary

Gabriela Woźniak – STS actress

Jagoda Zajfryd – Agnieszka Osiecka young

Antoni Żminkowski – Witek Dąbrowski (passionate communist)

Choreography: Laura Kamasz, Wiktoria Ożóg and Zespół

Video: Marcin Kamiński

Music: piano: Łucja Solecka, guitars: Gabriela Pietras, Antoni Żminkowski.

Osiecka’s songs were used in the performance: Piosenka ookuników (Song of Glasses) (performed by S. Przybylska), Sing, sing, Miasteczko cud, Uciekaj my heart, Ah ladies gentlemen (performed by the band) and fragments of music: Elvis Presley, Don’t be cruel; Krzysztof Komeda, Ballad (from the film People Meet and Nice Music Is Born in Their Hearts).


WINTER TRAIN- Proscenium Baby E

Premiere March 24, 2020 at 17.30

It’s spring outside the window, but our youngest team will take us on a winter journey full of unexpected twists and nice heroes. Spine-chilling scenes alternate with crazy, red-warming scenes! So – come to the train!

Screenplay: Jerzy Bielunas

Directed by: Marlena Maciejewska


Kamila Bogacz: Snow White

Julia Gawłowska: Child

Alina Gazda: Snow White

Dagmara Gręcol: Frozen Bird

Lena German: Winter

Katarzyna Hardyn: Mom

Natalia Iwańska: Gossip girl

Patrycja Jamrozik: A child

Maja Karpisz: Snow White

Julia Kasprzyk: Frozen Bird

Zuzanna Kędzierska: A Frozen Bird

Martyna Klaja: Snow White

Weronika Kowalska: Moon

Szymon Kosiba: Hare

Maksymilian Krawczyk: Mr.

Szymon Krzesiński: Gopher

Magdalena Kurek: Gossip girl

Maciej Lalik: The conductor

Gabriela Liszka: Lady

Olga Liszka: Snow White

Stanisław Lizoń: Teddy bear

Jakub Mędrala: Dad

Kamila Musiał: Child

Aleksandra Paluch: A child

Anna Parocka: Frosty Bird

Lila Plewniak: Mrs.

Hanna Pomykała: Lady

Zuzanna Roter: Snow White

Kinga Śliwa: Gossip girl


BANQUET- Proscenium Baby C.

Premiere: March 2020

O mighty Form! Nations die because of it. She causes wars. She causes something to arise in us that is not of us. She rules our smallest reflexes. She is at the base of life.

We end the premiere meetings royally – with a great banquet! The performance, based on Gombrowicz’s story, grotesquely depicts interpersonal relations. Are we ourselves or are we just surrendering to others who play us as they see fit? Can our attempts to revolt be successful? See for yourself!

Written and directed by: Marlena Maciejewska

(based on Witold Gombrowicz’s Banquet)

Scenography: Julia Jagiełło


Emilia Bryk: Princess

Joanna Ciepły: Jack

Magdalena Czekaj: Chancellor (Ace of spades)

Katarzyna Folwarska: Top nine

Olga Gawrońska: The Crazy Ten

Alicja Grzyb: The Nine Primate

Igor Haczewski: As

Urszula Horain: The Crazy Ten

Helena Kosecka: Lady

Magdalena Kowalska: Joker “Kler”

Alicja Kozioł: Jack

Barbara Łopata: Lady

Katarzyna Łysek: Lady

Gabriela Mączka: Jack

Ignacy Peczkis: King

Liwia Pędziwilk: The Crazy Ten

Michał Rzepa: Ace

Sylwia Sechman: Jack

Amelia Sobczyk: As

Natalia Stefańska: The Crazy Ten

Marta Stopa: Top Primate for the nine

Anna Wojak: Lady

The following music pieces were used in the performance: Boney M .: One way ticket, Daddy cool; Waltz from the movie The Promised Land (Z. Kilar), waltz from the movie Noce i dnie (W. Kazanowki), Edward Grieg, In the Hall (…) Peer Gynt