The First Lady of the Republic of Poland visits our school

On May 30, 2018, our school hosted the DSD II diploma gala. The guests of honor at the ceremony were Agata Kornhauser-Duda, the wife of the President of the Republic of Poland, Dr. Michael Groß, German Consul General in Krakow and Piotr Michał Mikosz, King of the Fowl AD 2017 “European”, who graduated from this school.

The spouse of the President admitted that, as a teacher of German, taking part in the presentation of DSD diplomas, each time she gets a lot of satisfaction. She emphasized that the students’ commitment and diligence invested in preparing for the exam can fill them with joy and pride shared by the First Lady. Agata Kornhauser-Duda handed over the diplomas to the ten best students and handed over the special award to the graduate with the highest score. She also encouraged young people to take advantage of the scholarships offered by universities. The meeting was made even more pleasant by the musical performances of this year’s graduates of Secondary School No. 6 in Krakow and the accordion trio from the State Secondary Music School W. Żeleński in Krakow.
It was a great honor for our school to host such outstanding personalities within its walls.