The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity lottery

Dear Sir or Madam,
as every year, we organize a raffle, the income of which will support the 26th Final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (this time its aim will be to raise funds for equal opportunities in the treatment of newborns).

The lottery will be held on January 11-12, 2018 at our school, the position will be located on the first floor of the high school, next to the secretary’s office. Each ticket will cost 5 zlotys.

Anyone who would like to help can donate anything that will contribute to the lottery, such as a book, film, CD or, for example, chocolates, a pack of jelly beans or other delicacies. It may be a wrong gift that you don’t know what to do with or something completely unconventional.

Items can be brought to the staff room, to Mrs. Izabela Żelazna, or to the English teachers’ room, to Mrs. Anna Moskała. Each item will be entered on a personal list and will receive its sequence number (later drawn by participants in the lottery).

Our activity is reported to the Krakow Interschool Staff of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and there is also the settlement of the collected amount (in the presence of volunteers – students of our school). We collect money to a sealed box of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.

I strongly encourage you to participate.

Izabela Żelazna.