The memory of the people The memory of the place – KL Plaszów and the contemporary inhabitants of Krakow

On April 17, a conference crowning the first stage of the project was held at our school



The organizers of the conference were: VI High School, Center for Educational Research and Continuing Education at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University and the Polish Historical Society, branch in Krakow.

The honorary patronage over the ceremony and the entire project was assumed by the Voivode of Małopolska, Piotr Ćwik.

The event was graced by the presence of:

Piotr Ćwik – Voivode of Lesser Poland

dr Andrzej Kulig – Deputy Mayor of the City of Krakow for Culture and Social Affairs

Anna Korfel -Jasińska – Director of the Education Department of the Krakow City Hall

Ryszard Kotarba – author of a monograph on the KL Plaszow camp from the Institute of National Remembrance in Krakow

Monika Bednarek – Head of the Emilian Factory by Oskar Schindler

Marta Śmietana from Emilio Oskar Schindler’s Factory

Paweł Kubisztal – President of the Board of the Association PODGÓRZE.PL

prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Zamorski from the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University

prof. dr hab. Mariusz Wołos from the Institute of the History of Archives of the Pedagogical University

dr hab. Roma Sendyka from the Department of Anthropology of Literature and Cultural Research of the Jagiellonian University

The project serves to publicize the topic, arouse public awareness and reflect on the place that serves the recreation of Krakow residents and is, after all, the site of the former cemetery and concentration camp. We are talking about remembrance, forms of commemoration, about actions taken to increase respect for this place and to create a memorial site there.

The project aims to increase the historical and social awareness of students, among others on the importance of commemorating the past.

From the participants’ experience:

“For us, students of High School No. 6, the project was something special, something that opened our eyes to many things. It showed how people can have different attitudes to history – for some it is irreplaceable, others pass by indifferently without having a clue about it. The project was also something timeless for us. He took us back to the times of World War II and its realities, so dear to us – after all, it all happened here, in this very place. However, moving back into the past, we stumbled upon the present, where we were shocked by the realities. A forgotten place, treated as something important only in terms of putting up a sign and making it a landscape place. We have learned for life that history will always leave its mark and we should want to notice them. So that the memory would not be lost. “

Media about yesterday’s event:

Magical Krakow,34,komunikat,licealisci_badali__nie_pamiec_o_kl_plaszow_i_szukali_swiadkow.html

Krakow Chronicle