We are visiting in Spanish

On September 23, 2019, on the beautiful, sunny first day of autumn, the group of 2J2 Mrs. Eliza Koszyki went for a “Spanish walk” around the area where VILO is located.

The students previously prepared in pairs a description in Spanish of selected monuments of the Kazimierz district.

We started our tour at Szeroka Street and the Old Synagogue, which now houses the Historical Museum of Krakow.

We walked past the Ariel restaurant, the Jewish cemetery, the Remuh synagogue, the Jan Karski monument.

The objects that we usually pass every day on the way to school have acquired a different meaning,

we listened to the presentations prepared by the students with great interest.

Plac Nowy, the Galicia Museum are the next stops on our tourist route.

it was a very special Spanish lesson!

De paseo por el barrio Kazimierz

El 23.09.2019 dimos un paseo por barrio Kazimierz.

El grupo 2J2 de la profesora Eliza Koszyka preparó las descripciones de los monumentos

mas destacados del barrio. Los alumnos prepararon unas descripciones largas e interesantes.

Fue una clase inolvidable. Hablamos mucho espanol fuera de clase, vimos los sitios de otra manera

y perspectiva.