We read and illustrate A. Mickiewicz’s Ballady i romanse – report

On December 11, 2019, the second edition of the project “We read and illustrate the work of Adam Mickiewicz” took place. Last year, we read Pan Tadeusz to celebrate the birthday of our bard, and at the same time to emphasize that reading is important, and the fashion for reading is eternal. This celebration inspired us to include it in the tradition of the annual Mickiewicz celebrations.
This edition is Ballads and romanse read and illustrated by the students of our high school.

Reading “Ballads and Romance” was inaugurated by Mr. Jacek Wojciechowski, a theater, film and television actor, for many years associated with the Ludowy Theater. In his performance we heard the ballad Romantic.
The following ballads were presented in foreign languages:

The Ballad of Świtezianka

in English performed
– Magdalena Wawrzeszkiewicz and Wojciech Smoła,

in German performed

Sara Majkowska, Igor Cholewiński and Tomasz Piegza

Fragments of Mrs. Twardowska in French performed
Wojciech Smoła

and the ballad Rybka in Russian performed
Oleksandra Missy and Anton Ryzhow

Selected ballads in Polish were read by:

– Aleksander Szewczyk, laureate of the title of Vice-Champion of Reading in the 10th edition of the Małopolska Competition of Beautiful Reading – Pani Twardowska

– Magdalena Czekaj – Glove

– Anna Wojak – Lilies

– Ignacy Peczkis – Dad’s return

Finally, the interpretation of Świtezianka was presented by the professors of our high school
Mrs. Izabela Żelazna, Mr. Marcin Mikrut and Mr. Norbert Pieszczyński

The ceremony was hosted by Jakub Kulik and Ksawery Konarski

Thank you and congratulations to everyone on a successful performance.


Elżbieta Smak and Maria Leśniak