Youth for the Home Army, Home Army for the young – 31.01.2018

On January 31 this year. grades 2c and 2e took part in a conference at the Home Army Museum entitled “Youth for the Home Army, Home Army for the Young.”

The aim of the project was to acquaint young people with history, making them aware of them first hand, from people who really survived the horrors of the Second World War.

The guest was, inter alia, Cpt. Włodzimierz Wolny, who led many listeners to tears and emotion with his moving story from Szare Szeregi.

There was also a cheerful accent – Maj. Stanisław Szuro also shared his, this time, surprisingly, funny stories from that period.

This event attracted a lot of young people, their presence was already counted in the hundreds.

There were very young people, as well as those already on the threshold of reaching adulthood. However, regardless of the age of the audience, it is certain that the meeting brought a lot to each participant.