“In the circle of avant-garde – the work of Maria Jarema” – entering the exhibition

On October 30, 2018, students of Secondary School No. 6 participating in the competition “In the circle of avant-garde – the work of Maria Jarema”, under the supervision of the school’s coordinator, Izabela Żelazna, visited an exhibition devoted to Maria Jarema. The exhibition’s curator, Anna Batko, who presented the artist’s biography, features of her work and relations with the Krakow avant-garde, guided the exhibition located in Cricoteka. The purpose of the exit was to prepare substantively for the next part of the competition – the performance of an artwork inspired by Jarema’s work.

This is how the output is described by Ida Stachura, a student of class 1a3, one of the contestants:

“The artistic output of Maria Jarema is not only graphics, painting and sculpture. A passion for designing scenography, costumes and masks joined her with the activity in Krakow

director Tadeusz Kantor. Together, they founded the Cricot 2 theater. The exhibition we visited, opened on the centenary of granting voting rights to women, as well as in

On the sixtieth anniversary of her death and the ninetieth anniversary of the artist’s birth, she presents the post-war works of Jaremianka.

We learn a lot about her person through artworks, theatrical decorations and objects that once surrounded her. She was not afraid to arouse controversy

firmly opposing socialist realism. Both in life and in her work, she did not agree to compromises, she was referred to as

feminists, she stuck to her views. Her bold work inspired us. “

The results of the competition will be announced on November 25, 2018 during the official ceremony at Cricoteka.