Facing Britain – 1M2

Cracow, 23.09.2022

Today we visited MuFo, one of the three photography museums in Cracow. We went to see the exhibition of British documentary photography from the years 1963-2020 called “Facing  Britain” (,,Zobacz: Brytania”). The display showed the works of mainly British photographers such as David Hurn, Anna Fox and Martin Parr. The exhibition gives insight on how the photographers looked at the world that surrounded them when mines around GB were being shut down, Margaret Thatcher was PM, the consumption of goods was growing and the society was divided. This exposition doesn’t only give viewers a different perception of the social and political life of GB during that period but it also focuses on everyday life of the multicultural and multi-ethnic community.

Mariel Dominguez-Żyrek, kl. 1M2