Urban Game – 1M2

The new school year brings countless challenges that we have to face. New high school, teachers, as well as new people that it would be wise to get to know better to ,”survive,” the coming years, so the 1M2 Integration Day and playing an urban game was a hit.

Divided into two groups we started the game. Fortitude and mobilization accompanied us. Interesting and educative tasks led us through historic Kazimierz. Thanks to that we very well know now synagogues, museums, charming pubs and mysterious streets of Kazimierz. Our tasks were not only aimed at sightseeing, but also developing group cooperation and communication. We were looking for and collecting information, engaging each of us in turn. We helped each other brainstorming. We also soared to artistic achievements as we presented interpersonal communication in various ways – we sang (which was more of screaming) in the street musical masterpieces including a piece of music by ”Queen”. We tried to be young poets, composing poems about public transport (and a sandwich with meat). We also tried to be like the famous director- Steven Spielberg and we shot films showing around the marvellous city of Zapiekankas 😉. We visited the place where he shot the scene for his well-known film “Schindler’s list”.

The end of our great adventure was entering the “Good Lood” ice cream shop. Integrated and happy we went back home.

Gabriella Świerz 1M2

Urban Game 1

Urban game 2