Gallery On September 28th, two bilingual classes- 2B and 2C went on an integration trip to Nowy Wiśnicz and Frankówka Mała. First, we visited the...
It was just another typical Tuesday, or so we thought. Soon enough we would be in the lecture hall on the third floor speaking with the Danes who...
On October 1st students from our school had a rare opportunity to welcome a guest from Scotland, who came to give an informal lecture on Scottish...
W 2021 roku obchodzimy 700. rocznicę śmierci Dantego Alighieri, z tej okazji we Włoszech zaplanowano szereg inicjatyw poświęconych Największemu...
CONGRATULATIONS! MAŁGORZACIE LEBICY from KL. 3F qualify for the finals of the XLI French Language Olympiad The final will be held on March 16 in...
On March 18, the guest of our school was Leandro Narváez, a Venezuelan rugby player, coach, traveler and author of the book “Todos los...
CONGRATULATIONS MACIEJ KUCIOWI – CL. 3G the title of the laureate of the 13th Entrepreneurship Olympiad
We are pleased to announce that our student Karolina Goczek from class 3d has become a finalist of the national scientific competition E (x) plory...