Exchanges with Germany


2019/2020 school year


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For two years now, the VI High School has had the great pleasure of working with a partner school in Bad – Neuenahr Ahrweiler. At the beginning of September, we hosted 14 students and their guardians from Peter Joerres Gymnsium in Krakow. The program in Poland included, among others, visiting the Old Town, Oświęcim and Wieliczka.
Just a few days later, we packed our bags and flew to a picturesque town near Cologne. Beautiful weather, river and school located in the park. Can it be better? During our one-week stay we saw Bonn, Cologne and Koblenz. We also had the opportunity to visit the local television station WDR, getting to know it “from the inside”. radio and television tricks. Something that made a great impression on us is the annual, traditional concert of the school Big Band! It is a great celebration for the school community, but also for the townspeople. It was a great job and great music!
Unfortunately, all that is good ends quickly and it’s time to go back to our school walls. But we see you next year !!

2017/2018 school year


Exchange with Ahrweiler (Germany) – September 21-28, 2017

On September 21-28, twelve second and third grade students under the supervision of prof. Ewa Nycz and prof. Paulina Pacyna went to the town of Arhweiler near Bonn to visit her German colleagues who had previously hosted in Krakow.

Our adventure began in the afternoon of September 21, when we got on the bus full of energy. We were there the next day around 8 (3 hours before the planned arrival). We were immediately greeted by our smiling colleagues from Germany and the school’s headmaster. We had a delicious breakfast together in a room specially prepared for our arrival. After a short tour of the school, we were able to go to our families for a well-deserved rest. In the evening of the same day, we had the opportunity to participate in an unusual and perfectly prepared BIGBAND school concert. Of course, our talented colleagues from Germany sang and danced. The next day, we visited the local winery and the beautiful, breathtaking vineyards that Ahrweiler is famous for. Sunday was a family day, during which we had the opportunity to spend time in a nice and interesting way with our German or German relatives. On Monday morning we set out to conquer Cologne. The first thing that catches your eye in this extremely charming city is the huge, wonderfully designed cathedral with lots of colorful stained glass windows and an interesting history. An interesting fact is that some part of the cathedral is always under renovation and it is said that when the renovation works are completed, we can expect the end of the world. The next day was just as active as we went to Trier – a city with a history going back 2,000 years. We saw the ruins of the city there, about which the guide told us in Polish. We returned to Ahrweiler in the evening to celebrate our unfortunately last evening with our German colleagues. On Wednesday at 8 everyone showed up at school packed, but we didn’t have to part with the Germans yet. We went for a long walk to the nearby bunkers, which we also visited with a guide. Then it was time for the last moments in the city, shopping, and unfortunately at 2:30 p.m. we had to say goodbye to our colleagues. The return trip took a little longer than planned, but that didn’t matter as it allowed us to remember unforgettable moments in Germany. Some of us liked it so much that they plan to come back to Ahrweiler as soon as possible and this time for longer …


2012/2013 school year

Exchange with Jülich – 09/18 – 09/27/2013

See photos:

After more than six months of separation from our German friends who stayed in Polish homes in March this year, on September 18 – September 27, 2013, the second part of the exchange of students of the Secondary School No. 6 with Gymnasium Zitadele in Julich took place. The Germans greeted us very warmly and friendly. During our stay we had the opportunity to visit Achen, Cologne and the capital of the Netherlands – Amsterdam. Another attraction was the historic school in Julich itself, attended by our western neighbors, built on the basis of a centuries-old castle. We were impressed by the underground museum and the walls surrounding the building, additionally “secured” by the moat. The whole thing created a very interesting and unique character.
The Germans excitedly organized spending time together, which resulted in a longer bicycle trip, which was attended by almost all members of the exchange, as well as barbecuing and camping in tents.
Thanks to the friendly atmosphere and the conflict-free attitude of all exchange members, we returned to Poland refreshed and full of memories. Undoubtedly, it was an interesting and very positive experience for us.



Exchange with Sandhausen, September 17-25, 2012.

see photos:

The exchange from the grammar school in Sandhausen near Heidelberg takes place every two years and is aimed at young people learning German in DSD groups.

This year, the organizers of the exchange on the Polish side were Ms. Agnieszka Kudyba and Ms. Aneta Wojtaszek.

In accordance with the applicable rules of international exchanges, young people are hosted by the families of their correspondents, which enables full integration and facilitates the establishment of friendly contacts.

Heidelberg’s university city, situated on a navigable river, is a great tourist attraction and offers many opportunities to spend time among the cultural and art monuments.

Upon our arrival, we went to the school building, where we were greeted by the headmaster and Katrin and Reinhold, the exchange teachers. After breakfast, we watched a historical film devoted to the difficult Polish-German relations about the past.

This year, Polish participants will visit the old town, Heidelberg Castle, preceded by a walk in the hills above the river, a cruise on the Neckar River and climbing to medieval castles, visiting the Museum of Science and Technology in Karlsrhue, weekend with correspondent families, spending some time in school and a picnic at the end of the stay.

It remains to be hoped that the next exchanges will be equally successful and that the young people will be equally strong friends. The breakup was very difficult … there was no end to hugs and tears!


On 15-22.03.12 VI LO was visited by young people from Gymnasium Zitadelle in Jülich from Germany.

It was already another exchange as part of cooperation with this school and the Germans boasted that we are their oldest partner.

The exchange program included such points as a trip to Wieliczka and Oświęcim, a sightseeing tour of Krakow, a mountain trip in the vicinity of Zakopane ended with a relaxation in Termy Podhalańskie, as well as several visits to the school and participation in the Talent Day.

The exchange was organized by A. Kudyba, MA in collaboration with A. Mach, P. Przybyła, and K. Kwolek.

Thanks from the youth of Jülich


Polenaustausch 2013

15-22.04 17 EF students, Ms. Kempski and Mr. Backhaus took part in the exchange with a school in Krakow.

Poland is actually not a typical exchange destination, so we were all particularly excited. Because of the strike, there were hardly any planes on the day of arrival, but we were lucky and were able to take off with a small delay. When we arrived in Poland, after an hour’s bus ride, our respective exchange partners greeted us excitedly. You quickly found each other and already here you could see that our teachers had assigned us really well, because the chemistry was right from the start. The excitement and hunger conquered the tiredness of the journey and plans were already made for the evening. On that first evening, small groups formed, which also did something together over the course of the week. Some went ice skating or swimming, others sat down, had a drink and talked. Communication worked great despite the hurdles. At one table it was in German, English, Polish or with hands and feet

talked and laughed. The teachers naturally had activities planned together for almost every day. Rur visited a museum, explored Krakow and its history, drove to Auschwitz, visited a real salt mine 700 meters underground and walked through the city’s Jewish quarter to learn more about the past of this religion.

The absolute highlight was the trip to Zakopane. Days in advance, our host parents warned us about the cold there. They took care of us all the time and were very warm.

In the morning they gave us sturdy shoes, thick jackets and enough provisions.

We wrapped up warm, drove to the mountain and started hiking. After a few meters we noticed that we had been worried in vain because the sun was beating down on the snow. Snowball fights began and especially Mr. Backhaus was a popular target. In general, there was a lively atmosphere throughout the week. True friendships were formed, which is why saying goodbye on Friday morning was all the more difficult.

The time was really nice and Krakow and the Polish culture that we got to know were a great experience.

We look forward to the time when our exchange students come to Jülich!

Heidelberg 2008