International programme


The International Programme lasts four years. During the first two years i.e. in the first and second year, students follow the Polish National Curriculum of a secondary school and they study the subjects bilingually in Polish and in English. At the same time, during those two years students are getting prepared for the participation in the IB Diploma Programme.

The IB Diploma Programme will be implemented in the last two years of the International Programme, i.e. in the third and fourth year of secondary school. The fourth year of studying ends with the International Baccalaureate school leaving exam. You can find more information about the IB Diploma Programme in the IB Diploma Programme section.

Admission to the first year of the international programme is part of general admission to  Polish state secondary schools. To be eligible for admission to the international programme you must pass the English language competency test for candidates for the international programme. More information in the Admission section.