Student council

2019/2020 school year

STRUCTURE OF THE STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT VI High School in Krakow from 01/01/2020.

The self-government consists of all high school students, represented by the Student Council


President: Bartosz Knap 2d

1 vice-president: Albert Money 2d

2 vice president: Anna Kożuch 2d

Secretary: Matylda Malec 2g1

Spokesman: Paulina Siwek 1Gp


Ministry of Democracy

Minister: Szymon Macnar 2g1

Deputy ministers: Maja Kruczek 2a2, Michał Korzeniowski 1d

Culture ministers

Minister: Karolina Wilk 2a2

Deputy ministers: Julia Petrow 2e, Marcin Kamiński 2b1

Ministry of Ecology and Volunteering

Minister: Maja Matczewska 2d

Deputy ministers: Zofia Twardowska 2g1, Weronika Majta 2g1

Ministry of Intra-School Integration

Minister: Nicola Śliwińska 2e

Deputy ministers: Maksymilian Dębowski 2d

Ministry of Out-of-School Integration

Minister: Hugo Połczyński 2h1

Deputy ministers: Patrycja Plizga 2h1, Zuzanna Słobodzian 2d

Ministry of sport

Minister: Jerzy Kohut 2g2

Deputy ministers: Justyna Klimczyk 2c, Jakub Ptak 2d, Sebastian Sysło 2f

Supervisor of the Students’ Self-Government: prof. Magdalena Włodarczyk

2018/2019 school year


The self-government consists of all high school students, represented by the Student Council


President: Michał Turcza 2C

1 – vice-president: Jakub Kostrz 2F

2nd Vice President: Miriam Guzik 2C

Secretary: Julia Stolarska 2D and Julia Witaszek 2C

Spokesman: Natalia Rudnik 2C


Integration ministers: Edyta Buksa 2D, Ewa Kostrzon 2E and Alicja Wójcik 2F

Ministers of debates: Wojciech Bobrek and Aleksander Szewczyk 2C

Sport ministers: Anna Bąk 2a3 and Jan Więcek 2B

VILO Support Minister: Damian Skiba 2C

Ministers of culture: Jan Jurek 1a1, Mateusz Szymkowicz 1C and Maksymilian Term 1C

Tutor: prof. Justyna Kuśnierzowska