Olympics and competitions

Olympiads and competitions in the 2018/2019 school year

Two Galicje Foundation, VILO and Cricoteka invite you to participate in an art competition

The competition includes the performance of an artwork inspired by the work of Maria Jarema, in any two or three-dimensional art technique (painting, drawing, graphics, photography, sculpture, installation, decoration design) referring to the artist’s work.

Deadline for submission of works: November 7

Leading teacher: Izabela Żelazna

Historical competition – Odrodzona 1918-1939

On the occasion of the upcoming 100th anniversary of Poland regaining independence, we invite students of Secondary School No. 6 to take part in the school historical competition “Reborn 1918 – 1939”.

Detailed information in the regulations and from history teachers. Attractive prizes await the finalists.


We invite you.

Competition – #cojaczytam? What you read? And they? Show us that you are reading!

We invite you to participate in a competition for a campaign promoting reading

The campaign must be promoted by you on social networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and others), and in the posts you publish about it, you must use two hashtags: #cojaczytam and #wolnelektury.

Details of the competition  https://wolnelektury.pl/formularz/cojaczytam/

Applications for the competition in the school library

Invitation to participate in the XLV Historical Olympics

All important information (research topics, schedule, regulations, reading list) can be found on the website http://liceum.olimpiadahistoryczna.pl.

History teachers are also helpful.  History teachers are also helpful. To apply to participate in the Olympics, you must provide the history teacher with the completed “Consent to the processing of personal data …” form, which can be found in the “General information – forms” tab.

The deadline for submitting applications is October 15th.


Olympiads and competitions in the 2017/2018 school year

9th National Competition With energy to the future

We accept applications for the competition from January 15 to February 25, 2018, until 20:00. Applications will be accepted only through application forms on the websites:

Posters- https://goo.gl/forms/X0kAwtiyPHecTyzv1

Presentations – https://goo.gl/forms/GLYr7uj7l2KjDCJo2

The competition is individual – poster or team (one-person or two-person teams) – presentation and consists in making a poster or a multimedia presentation by participants on one of the following topics:

1) modern technologies in conventional energy,

2) shale gas,

3) nuclear energy,

4) thermonuclear fusion,

5) renewable energy sources.

More information in the appendix or with chemistry teachers.

Society of Teachers of Librarians of Polish Schools

Branch in Krakow and

Provincial Public Library in Krakow

students of all schools are invited

to participate in the 11th edition

Małopolska Competition of Beautiful Reading


  • Improving beautiful reading skills
  • Shaping the reading culture
  • Developing creative talents

The competition will be played in two stages:

I – SCHOOL STAGE – two finalists will be selected

II – INTER-SCHOOL STAGE – audition of the finalists of the school stage

Please prepare a fragment of your favorite book from literature for children and teenagers for reading.

Participants read a prepared fragment of prose containing dialogue and description.

The assessment covers:

diction (0-3 points),

text interpretation (0-3 points),

keeping the time limit (up to 3 minutes) (1 point).

Registration for the competition in the school library and by Librus

until January 22, 2018 (Monday)

The date of the school stage will be set at a later date.

National Booktrailer Film Festival Competition

Complex of General Secondary Schools No. 2 for them. St. Jadwiga Królowej in Nowy Targ invites you to participate in the first edition of the national competition “Booktrailer Film Festival”. The project is addressed to primary and secondary school students aged 14-18.
Booktrailer Film Festival is an educational undertaking promoting reading among young people. Its idea is based on the fusion of tradition and modernity – combining learning about literature with new technologies, integrating the art of word and the language of cinema, developing competences related to cooperation in a group and a thorough analysis of literary work. The project encourages reading, teaches and stimulates creativity.The participants’ task is to prepare a two-minute film promoting the selected book, i.e. the book-trailer. The competition is held simultaneously in Italy, France and Bulgaria. The five films with the highest scores according to the jury’s assessment will be submitted to the international finals of the competition in Brescia (Italy).The condition for participation in the competition is to send the application to the organizer of the national preliminaries before the end of February 2018 to the address and filling in the application form available on the website www.booktrailerfilmfestival.eu in the period from January 15 to March 12, 2018. The final of the competition will be held on April 6, 2018 in Nowy Targ.

Detailed information about the competition is available on the website:www.zskj.nowotarski.pl

We invite you to take part in the National Alchemist Chemical Competition

This is a one-stage competition conducted in the school. It will take place on March 7, 2018.

Participants take part in a competition test consisting of questions on the chemistry curriculum. The single-choice test consists of 30 closed questions (1 point for a correct answer) and a description task (from 0 to 8 points). The subject of the Competition does not go beyond the curriculum, and the scale of the difficulty of the questions allows as many young people as possible to take part in the Competition.

Material prizes await the winners of the competition. The cost of participation in the competition is PLN 9. More info on page: http://www.alchemik.suwikr.pl/alchemik/index.html and with chemistry teachers.

Applications and the competition fee will be accepted on November 27, 2017 – December 5, 2017.

Zachęcamy do licznego udziału w konkursie!

Nauczyciele chemii

Statistical Olympiad

Central Statistical Office, Polish Statistical Society and the University of Economics, Law and Medical Sciences prof. Edward Lipiński in Kielce are the organizers of the Statistical Olympiad.
The second edition will be held in the 2017/2018 school year.

Olympiad regulations, program, schedule, sample test, list of patrons and other detailed information can be found at: www.stat.gov.pl/portal-edukacyjny/olimpiada-statystyczna  The organizers have prepared valuable material prizes for the winners and finalists, as well as the so-called “Golden indexes” (admission to selected universities without qualification procedure).

The full information about the Olympics is available at the link https://olimpiadastatystyczna.stat.gov.pl/Olimpiada/Home/Info and https://olimpiadastatystyczna.stat.gov.pl/Olimpiada/Home/Index

Willing students should report to prof. Elżbieta Wesołowska.

XVI Olympiad in Mathematical Linguistics

We encourage you to participate in the Linguistic Olympics.

Details on the website http://math.uni.wroc.pl/fmw/dla-uczni%C3%B3w-lingwistyka-matematyczna-olimpiada-lingwistyczna/20172018/xvi-olimpiada-lingwistyki

The school stage will take place on 9.XI. 2017. Applications from math teachers.

The AGH UST Diamond Index – CHEMISTRY Olympiad

We encourage you to take part in the Olympiad for the AGH Diamond Index. Participants joining the 1st stage of the Olympiad in chemistry this school year will solve the 30 single-choice question test available on the AGH e-learning platform on October 18-20, 2017.

The Olympiad participant who chooses a thesis in chemistry is obliged to send the printed application form to the Main Committee by mail by 27.10.2017. The form should be printed from an individual electronic account and signed by hand. If the participant is under 18 at the time of filling in the form, this document must also be signed by the legal guardian.


1. Chemistry of manganese compounds. Manganese compounds in chemical analysis
2. Qualitative analysis of cations: Ni2 +, Co2 +, Cr3 +, Al3 +, Mn2 +, Zn2 +, Fe3 +
3. Buffer solutions – preparation, principle of operation, reactions
4. Thermochemistry – calculation of enthalpy of reactions using Hess’s law and energy of bonds
5. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives

More information on the Organizer’s website:  http://www.diament.agh.edu.pl/ or with chemistry teachers.

XLIV Historical Olympics

We invite you to participate in the XLIV Historical Olympics.

The topics of written work, schedule and regulations can be found on the website http://liceum.olimpiadahistoryczna.pl/.

If you are interested, please contact history teachers.

Podkarpacki Chemistry Competition Ignacy Łukasiewicz

We encourage you to take part in the Podkarpackie Chemical Competition. Ignacy Łukasiewicz. All details about the competition and tasks from previous editions can be found on the Organizer’s website:http://www.prz.edu.pl/chemia/PKCh/index.html .

The willingness to participate should be reported to the chemistry teacher by October 6, 2017, at the same time paying the registration fee of PLN 20.

Chemistry Olympiad

We invite you to participate in the 64th Chemistry Olympiad.

To participate in the Olympics, you must register on the Organiser’s website: http://www.olchem.edu.pl/ until October 21, 2016 and send the solutions of the preliminary tasks to the appropriate District Committee by October 29, 2016. Please remember that before sending the solutions, the tasks should be assessed by the chemistry teacher.

More details about the Olympics on the mentioned website or from chemistry teachers.

Registration for the next edition of the Olympiad of Film Knowledge and Social Communication has started

 (applications according to the template from the organizer are accepted by Mrs. Izabela Żelazna)


Information from the Organizer


What is the Olympiad in Film Knowledge and Social Communication?

The National Olympiad of Film Knowledge and Social Communication is the only interdisciplinary initiative of this type in the country, intended for youth from upper secondary schools. It consists of three stages: school eliminations (November 2017), district competitions (January 2018) and central competitions (April 2018).

What is the goal of the Film Knowledge and Social Communication Olympiad?

The Olympics are intended to popularize film culture and social communication, especially in the practical sense among young people. Particular emphasis is placed on the subject that uses the achievements of Polish culture in terms of developing the ability to situate and understand the specificity of native audiovisual arts in appropriate contexts. The Olympics focuses on various aspects of social communication, mainly in terms of interaction through language and images. During the Olympics, students will develop and improve the techniques and principles of creating a linguistic and visual message and constructing a clear narrative of the message. By preparing for the competition, students will significantly expand their knowledge of Polish and foreign cinematography.

The theme of the 2017/2018 edition

Each edition of the Olympiad is focused on a different issue. The theme of the second edition is Cinema of Values.

Olympiads and competitions in the 2016/2017 school year

We invite you to participate!

The International Kangaroo Mathematics Competition

If you are willing to take part in the “Kangaroo” International Mathematics Competition, please apply to mathematics teachers by 27.01.2017. The cost of participation in the competition is PLN 9. Along with the registration for the competition, a declaration of consent to participate in the competition must be provided, signed by the parents / legal guardians of underage students or by adult participants.

We cordially encourage you!

Math teachers

10th edition of the Małopolska Competition of Beautiful Reading

People among animals, animals among humans competition: literary inspirations

Entrepreneurship Olympics

Applications to Mr. Artur Bielaszka

Information, regulations, tests and tasks http://www.olimpiada.edu.pl/

Knowledge Olympiad about Security and Defense

Applications should be sent to Mr. Marcin Rozmarynowski

Details, including the application form, can be found on the website http://www.owobio.edu.pl

Media Knowledge Olympiad

Details in the attached materials.

Application of participants to the Olympics via electronic form by October 21, 2016.  (link to the form: http://owm.id.uw.edu.pl/rejestracja/)

Submitting papers to District Committees by November 14, 2016.

District Committee of the Media Knowledge Olympiad

e-mail: owm.malopolska@upjp2.edu.pl


The Artistic Olympics and the Olympiad in Film Knowledge and Social Communication

We encourage students to take part in the Artistic Olympics (art history section and music section) and in the Film Knowledge and Social Communication Olympics. Information available on the websites:

Due to the absence of the leading teacher (I. Żelazna), applications for the Art Olympics should be submitted to the VILO Student Secretariat.
Applications for the Film Knowledge and Social Communication Olympics should be sent by e-mail to the following address izabelazelazna@gmail.com or via Librus in the return email.
I am waiting for applications until October 15, 2016.
 Izabela Żelazna.

Olympiad in Mathematical Linguistics


  • applications by 20 October 2016 (to math teachers)
  • Stage I (school) – 25 October 201
  • sending the results and corrected works back – until 22 November 2016
  • announcement of the list qualified for the second stage – 10 January 2017
  • Stage II (regional) – 11 February 2017
  • announcement of the list of finalists – by 7 March 2017
  • consultations for finalists – April 7, 2017, at 10: 30-15: 30
  • Stage III (nationwide) – April 8, 2017, Wrocław
  • IOL preparation camp – VI 2017, Wrocław
  • XV International Olympiad – VII-VIII 2017, Irlandia

Details of the contest

The Mathematical Linguistics Olympics is the only nationwide linguistic competition. It is the qualifying round for the International Linguistic Olympics – one of 13 international science olympics. No linguistic skills or knowledge of foreign languages are required to be successful in the competition (although this can sometimes be helpful). All you need is the ability to think logically, analyze data, and draw conclusions based on premises relating to exotic or non-existent languages.


Agata Jaszczur








Among the main prizes there are three indexes for first-cycle studies at the American Studies Center of the University of Warsaw (the only additional condition is to pass the English matriculation examination at the advanced level with a result of at least 50%, so that it can be assumed that a given person can cope with the studies in the language English). Another award is a month-long internship at the American Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw. The trainee will also receive a cash prize of PLN 1,500 to subsidize the cost of living in Warsaw. All winners will receive diplomas and books.

I encourage you,

Ewa Lubińska

Statistical Olympiad

Central Statistical Office, Polish Statistical Society and the University of Economics, Law and Medical Sciences prof. Edward Lipiński in Kielce are the organizers of the Statistical Olympiad. The first edition will take place in the 2016/2017 school year.

Olympiad regulations, program, schedule, sample test, list of patrons and other detailed information can be found at: www.stat.gov.pl/portal-edukacyjny/olimpiada-statystyczna  The organizers have prepared valuable material prizes for the winners and finalists, as well as the so-called “Golden indexes” (admission to selected universities without qualification procedure).

The full information about the Olympics is available at the link http://stat.gov.pl/portal-edukacyjny/olimpiada-statystyczna/informacje/informator/

Willing students should report to prof. Aleksandra Włodek.

Olympiads and competitions in the 2015/2016 school year

We invite you to participate!

From the Duke of Wiślany to Kazimierz the Restorer – history of Poland until 1058 – a historical competition

We invite students of the first and second grades to participate in the interschool historical competition From the Duke of Wiślan to Kazimierz the Restorer – the history of Poland until 1058; The competition is part of an educational project devoted to the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of Poland, which we carry out together with the 4th High School for them. T. Kościuszko in Krakow.

School qualifications in both high schools will be held on April 4, and the final – on April 8 this year. We accept applications until March 15.

All information is provided by history teachers. The Rules of the Competition and the list of literature are available below.

National Olympiad for the AGH Diamond Index – chemistry

We invite you to participate in the 9th edition of the National Olympiad “For the AGH UST Diamond Index” in the field of chemistry. The preliminary stage tasks have already appeared on the website of the Olympics, which must be solved on their own by October 23, 2015.

More information from chemistry teachers or on the Olympiad’s home page: http://www.diament.agh.edu.pl/.

Please report your willingness to participate in the Olympics to chemistry teachers by September 18, 2015 at the latest.

Podkarpacki Chemistry Competition Ignacy Łukasiewicz

We encourage you to take part in the Podkarpackie Chemical Competition. Ignacy Łukasiewicz organized by the Faculty of Chemistry of the Rzeszów University of Technology. The competition has three stages. The first stage of the Competition will be organized at the seat of our School on 12/11/2015. However, due to the necessity to register in advance, please notify chemistry teachers no later than 25/09/2015.

More information from chemistry teachers or on the Competition homepage: http://www.prz.edu.pl/chemia/PKCh/.