Consultation points

Consultation point

We invite you to the Consultation Point

if drinking alcohol is a problem for you or someone close to you, you suspect addiction in a loved one, you are involved in domestic violence, you are an adult child of an alcoholic, you need advice in a difficult life situation, we provide advice and consultation on the broadly understood addiction issues. We invite people who are addicted and use harmful (alcohol, alcohol and drugs, drugs, legal highs, nicotine), co-addicts (partners of addicts), family members and relatives, as well as employees of aid institutions.

We provide assistance in the field of counseling through: anonymous and free consultation and motivational meetings for people applying on their own initiative, as well as with people leaving the Drunk People Care Department, and cyclical meetings motivating drug addicts to start therapy.

The tasks of the Consultation Point are:

  • Conducting information and educational activities in the field of prevention and solving problems of addiction and domestic violence.
  • Providing individuals and families with consultations and psychological, legal, social and preventive advice on addiction and violence.
  • Motivating co-addicts to possibly start psychotherapy in drug addiction treatment facilities.
  • Helping risky and harmful drinkers decide to change their harmful drinking pattern.
  • Motivating alcohol addicts to undertake drug addiction treatment and psychotherapy in drug addiction treatment facilities.
  • Providing support to people after psychotherapy through supportive talks or participation in support groups.
  • Initiating interventions in the event of identifying the phenomenon of domestic violence by providing appropriate support and information about the possibilities of obtaining help and stopping violence.
  • Gathering up-to-date information about help places and the competences of services and institutions from the commune, dealing with systemic help for the family.
  • Cooperating with other entities dealing with solving addiction problems and counteracting domestic violence

tel. 12/ 411 41 21  ul. Rozrywka1




7:30 – 15:30


7:30 – 18:00


15:00 – 17:00


7:30 – 15:30


14:00 – 18:00


7:30 – 18:00


16:00 – 18:00


7:30 – 15:30










Branch of the Consultation Point Rynek Podgórski 4 / 2a




14:00 – 16:00


17:00 – 19:00


16:00 – 18:00


16:00 – 18:00

12/ 411 60 44

for people with alcohol problems and their families

If you are looking for information, advice or support in a drinking crisis by you or someone you love – call us.

Our phone is dedicated especially to people suffering from alcohol problems (addicts, families or relatives of addicts, hazardous drinkers). Telephone counseling is also provided to people abusing other psychoactive substances, experiencing violence, health problems and other existential problems. One of the few aid activities of this type in Poland, operating around the clock.

Our helpline is implemented as a form of signaling social problems from various areas. We provide ad hoc assistance, guaranteeing the possibility of anonymous exchange to people who are experiencing difficulties. Contact with our Helpline can be made by any needy person, especially in a crisis or suicidal situation. Specialists on duty at the helpline operate by listening carefully, talking and providing information. At the request of the caller, the helplines of the Helpline direct him to appropriate services and aid institutions and inform about the existing possibilities of overcoming the crisis. Especially in situations where there is a risk of suicide, a procedure is used by those on duty to collect information as accurately as possible and to pass information on the threat to the emergency services. The issues raised by callers are considered in several areas, such as:

  • existential problems, e.g. thoughts, intentions, suicide attempts, psychological violence,
  • information and cognitive issues, e.g. emergencies, questions from various fields of knowledge,
  • problemy rodzinne, np.: konflikty małżeńskie i partnerskie, trudności wychowawcze, przemoc w rodzinie,
  • family problems, e.g. marital and partner conflicts, upbringing difficulties, domestic violence,
  • addictions, e.g. alcoholism, drug addiction, nicotine, gambling, computer, shopping, diets, court order procedure for drug addiction treatment,
  • sexual problems, e.g. violence, pregnancy, orientations,
  • health problems, e.g. diseases, including mental diseases, disability.

A helpline for people suffering from behavioral addictions and their relatives.

The Institute of Health Psychology of the Polish Psychological Association launched the 801-889-880 helpline dedicated to people suffering from behavioral addictions and their relatives.

What are behavioral addictions? These are all addictions that are not related to the use of psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs), such as, for example, gambling addiction, Internet or computer addiction, sex addiction, workaholism, addiction to shopping or binge eating.

Who is the phone offer for? To all people who have a problem or are wondering if they have a problem with behavioral addiction. For people close to addicts – family, friends and acquaintances.

Is this the phone for me?
Yes, if it seems to you that your child has become overly preoccupied with the Internet and computers, and virtual reality becomes more important to him than real friends and acquaintances.
Yes, if gaming got you into financial or family trouble, you sometimes play to the last penny or borrow money to play.
Yes, if you feel that your search for sexual experiences is out of control, if you engage in health risky or illegal behavior. If sex was no longer a pleasure, it became a compulsion.
Yes, if you forget about important family celebrations and your children’s affairs due to your preoccupation with work. If you devote much more thought, time and energy to your work than to pursue your passions, entertainment, sports and relationships with your partner, children, family.

The activities of the helpline include:
– conducting telephone consultations for people suffering from behavioral addictions and their relatives
– developing and sharing a database of information about local specialists and institutions conducting behavioral addiction therapy
– conducting information and educational activities on behavioral addictions
Telephone consultations are conducted by experienced specialists from the Institute of Health Psychology of the Polish Psychological Association, trained in the field of behavioral addictions.

The new 801-889-880 helpline is open every day, also at weekends, from 5 pm to 10 pm. The cost of a call is one pulse, according to the operator’s tariff.

The project of launching and running a helpline providing help in the field of behavioral addictions is co-financed by the Fund for Solving Gambling Problems at the disposal of the Minister of Health.