
Recruitment for the 2020/2021 school year

Recruitment Procedure Dates 2020-2021

Due to the epidemic threat, we encourage you to submit applications for admission to secondary school in electronic form (legal basis: § 11a of the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of March 20, 2020 on special solutions during the temporary limitation of the functioning of education system units in connection with the prevention , preventing and combating COVID-19, Journal of Laws of 2020, item 493, as amended).

Recruitment Committee at VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adam Mickiewicz in Krakow

accepts applications for admission to school in bilingual classes

on June 17-19, 2020 between 10.00-12.00 and 14.00-16.00

June 22, 2020 from 12.00 to 15.00

For mainstream classes until July 10, 3 p.m.

Application for admission to school can be submitted in two ways:


1.  a complete application for admission to school, printed from the OMIKRON computer-assisted enrollment system and signed by the candidate and his parent, should be thrown into a special container at the entrance to the schoolły

Incomplete applications will not be approved in the OMIKRON system

The documents should be placed in a T-shirt / briefcase / unsealed envelope in order to prevent their possible incompletion.


2. By electronic means – a scan legibly hand-signed by the candidate and the parent / legal guardian of the application for admission to the school, printed from the OMIKRON computer-aided recruitment system. The scan should be sent to the following address: (please provide the name and surname of the candidate in the subject of the e-mail).

The above e-mail address is used only to send the documentation required in the recruitment procedure.

Any questions to the selection committee should be directed during working hours

recruitment committee to the e-mail address

or by calling 12/4306908

3. Applications to bilingual branches should be submitted by June 22, 2020, by 15.00

A copy of the application with handwritten signatures of the candidate’s parents or legal guardians, submitted to the first-choice school in electronic or paper form, is the basis for confirming the application in the recruitment system by the School Admissions Committee.


Selection committee work schedule 2020-1_3


Information for candidates taking the language competence test for bilingual units at the VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adam Mickiewicz in Krakow

June 23, 2020 at. 14.00 in English

June 24, 2020 at. 15.00 in Spanish

In accordance with the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector and the Ministry of National Education regarding the organization and conduct of exams in 2020, please follow the guidelines below during the language competence tests at High School No.6 in 2020.

  1. Only a healthy candidate may come to the test, without any symptoms suggesting an infectious disease.
  2. The candidate may not come to the test if he is at home with a person in quarantine or isolation at home, or is under quarantine or home isolation.
  3. The parent / legal guardian may not enter the school with the candidate, except when the candidate requires assistance, e.g. in moving around.Candidates should not bring unnecessary items to the school, including books, mobile phones, mascots.
  4. For the test, each candidate uses their own accessories – pen / pen with black ink / ink).
  5. While waiting to enter the school, the candidates should keep a sufficient distance (at least 1.5 m) and keep their mouth and nose covered.
  6. Only candidates with a covered mouth and nose (mask, cloth, visor) may enter the school. Covering the mouth and nose is mandatory throughout the school, with the exception of rooms where language skills are tested after candidates have taken their places. In order to verify the identity of the candidate, the supervising teacher may ask the candidate to reveal his face temporarily (a minimum of 1.5 meters is required).
  7. Candidates are required to cover their mouth and nose until they take their place in the test room. After taking a seat in the room, the candidate is required to cover his mouth and nose again when:
  1. The teacher approaches him to answer his question,
  2. He finishes working with the sheet and leaves the room.
  1. Both candidates and teachers supervising the language competence test may – if they deem it appropriate – keep their mouths and lips covered during the exam, even after taking a seat at the table.
  2. When entering the school, the candidate must present a school ID or other document with a photo.
  3. June 23, 2020 two entrances to the school will be open from 13.15.

2020 english terms after modification

terms Spanish 2020 after modification

application for participation in the competence test in the second term

We invite you to watch the reportage from the School Day

REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL EDUCATION of August 21, 2019 on the conduct of recruitment and supplementary procedures for public kindergartens, schools, institutions and centers

ORDINANCE NO 6/20 OF THE MAŁOPOLSKA EDUCATION CURATOR of 29 January 2020 on the dates of the recruitment and supplementary proceedings, including the deadlines for submitting documents to public primary schools for adults, first grades of public secondary schools, entrance classes referred to in art. 25 sec. 3 of the Act on Education Law and for the first semester of the 1st grade of public sector secondary schools and public post-secondary schools in the Małopolskie Voivodeship for the school year 2020/2021

Appendix 1

Dates for conducting the recruitment procedure and supplementary proceedings, including the deadlines for submitting documents to the 1st grade of public secondary schools, i.e. general secondary school, technical secondary school, 1st degree industry school and entrance class referred to in art. 25 sec. 3 of the Act – Educational Law in the Małopolskie Voivodeship for the school year 2020/2021

Order of the Małopolska Education Superintendent on the list of knowledge, artistic and sports professions

ORDER NO. 8/20 OF THE MAŁOPOLSKA EDUCATION CURATOR of 27 February 2020 on the list of knowledge, artistic and sports professions organized by the Małopolska Education Superintendent or other entities operating at school, included in the recruitment and supplementary proceedings for the 2020 / school year 2021 in the Małopolskie Voivodeship, which may be listed on the primary school leaving certificate and the determination of places considered high in these professions.

Appendix 1

List of subject and thematic competitions organized or co-organized by the Małopolska Superintendent of Education and identification of places considered high in these competitions.

Appendix 2

List of knowledge and artistic professions, co-organized by the Małopolska Superintendent of Education in 2015-2020 and organized in the 2019/2020 school year by other entities operating at the school, and the determination of places considered high in these professions.

Appendix 3

List of sports disciplines covered by the sports competition of school children and youth, in which sports competitions are organized by Polish sports unions, provincial interdisciplinary associations of physical culture, world and European sports federations and the determination of places considered high in sports competitions.

Six is six!

  • As the only high school in Krakow, we run bilingual departments with Spanish and English
  • We have the best bilingual section with Spanish in Poland.
  • We run preparation groups for the DSD exam (Deutsches Sprachdiplom)
  • We offer learning English, Spanish, German, French, Russian and Italian

We organize:

  • international exchanges with schools in Denmark, Spain, France, Germany and Italy
  • national science camps
  • subject, integration and foreign trips
  • we cooperate with schools from Israel

We cooperate with universities: AGH University of Science and Technology, Jagiellonian University, University of Economics, Pedagogical University, Polish Academy of Sciences

Our graduates undertake studies at prestigious universities in the country and abroad

We deal:

invariably for many years the leading place in the ranking of general secondary schools in Małopolska

We win:

Our students achieve significant successes in numerous Olympiads, subject competitions, competitions and tournaments at the provincial and national level

We achieve very high results of matura exams

Happening here …



Newspaper Szósty Zmysł

Journalistic blog

Blog of the Spanish section at VI LO

A young blog critic of film classes

We have a YouTube channel

We promote various sports

We develop and promote the passions and talents of our students through: lectures, workshops, debates, projects, charity actions, artistic events, concerts, interest groups

Come     See     Decoide     Join us