Student council

2019/2020 school year

STRUCTURE OF THE STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT VI High School in Krakow from 01/01/2020.

The self-government consists of all high school students, represented by the Student Council


President: Bartosz Knap 2d

1 vice-president: Albert Money 2d

2 vice president: Anna Kożuch 2d

Secretary: Matylda Malec 2g1

Spokesman: Paulina Siwek 1Gp


Ministry of Democracy

Minister: Szymon Macnar 2g1

Deputy ministers: Maja Kruczek 2a2, Michał Korzeniowski 1d

Culture ministers

Minister: Karolina Wilk 2a2

Deputy ministers: Julia Petrow 2e, Marcin Kamiński 2b1

Ministry of Ecology and Volunteering

Minister: Maja Matczewska 2d

Deputy ministers: Zofia Twardowska 2g1, Weronika Majta 2g1

Ministry of Intra-School Integration

Minister: Nicola Śliwińska 2f

Deputy ministers: Maksymilian Dębowski 2d

Ministry of Out-of-School Integration

Minister: Hugo Połczyński 2h1

Deputy ministers: Patrycja Plizga 2h1, Zuzanna Słobodzian 2d

Ministry of sport

Minister: Jerzy Kohut 2g2

Deputy ministers: Justyna Klimczyk 2c, Jakub Ptak 2d, Sebastian Sysło 2f

Supervisor of the Students’ Self-Government: prof. Magdalena Włodarczyk

The “Circle of Animal Life” project – online

The Animal Life Circle project team presents a guide: “Everything you need to know about the city’s animals.”

It contains practical advice on how to behave towards animals, both domesticated and wild – all the knowledge that every human should have, contained in a nutshell!

You will learn, among others. how to deal with a found dog, at what number to seek help for a wounded wild animal and how to help bees survive in the city.

The guide also includes videos on how to make a simple bird feeder or how to build a hedgehog winter house.

Here is a list of guides:

– poradnik pszczoły 1

– poradnik jeże 2

– poradnik ptaki 3

– poradnik koty 4

– poradnik psy 5

After reading the guide, please complete the summary quiz:

It is very important as the project participates in the Olympics Exempt from Theory.


Talk Show “Filaretów Dwóch” 16.03.2020 .r

Has your dream ever been to attend a real “American Highschool”? A school that not only focuses on learning, but also gives you the opportunity to develop your passions and participate in projects on a variety of topics?

VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adam Mickiewicz in Krakow changes from day to day. New projects are created all the time to integrate students and create a community in which everyone can develop in various aspects of life.

One of the newest initiatives of the VILO Student Government Media Section is the “Filaretów Two” Talk Show, inspired by Jimmy Fallon’s American TV show.

The project leaders are: a student of class 1C after junior high school, Magdalena Czekaj and a student of class 2F, Sebastian Sysło. Mateusz Rzepka from the 2G1 class is responsible for directing and editing, while the Hubert Cora project is also organized from the 2G1 class.

The guests of the Talk Show will be exceptional students or graduates of our school and our favorite teachers. Thanks to this, we will be able to get to know them better and see them while performing various challenges. Additionally, it is an opportunity for people involved in the program to develop their journalistic skills and collaborate with others. Episodes will be posted monthly on YouTube.

The first episode is available from March 16 this year. and his guest will be the former president of our school, Michał Turcza. The episode will focus on its interests, future plans, and facts about it that you haven’t heard about yet. Additionally, Michał will face the acting challenge prepared for him by the program leaders.

We encourage you to watch!

Editor-in-chief of the Media Section

Timea Horvath



Navigator of Self-Government – a new project implemented by the Student Self-Government of High School No. 6.


On December 18, the educational project “Navigator of the Self-Government” was inaugurated. The project is aimed at members of student self-governments in Krakow. Young activists will have the opportunity to improve their soft skills in the field of organization, communication, group relations and finance. During the workshop they will answer questions such as:
How to write a good work plan? Where to get money for local government shares? How to convince the school principal to be right?

Workshops, training sessions and case studies are waiting for the participants. The best SU will receive subsidies for their activities. Their total value is PLN 3,000!

The degree of solving the cases after each workshop will be assessed, as well as the presence of team members at the workshop.

The organizer of the project is the Your Choice Association

It is also a great opportunity to meet and cooperate with members of the local governments of Krakow schools.

The VILO team includes:

Maja Kruczek, Anna Kożuch, Maja Matczewska, Weronika Majta, Julia Petrow, Nicola Śliwińska, Albert Pieniądz, Jakub Ptak, Szymon Macnar, Bartosz Knap.


18 XII, organizational meeting, lecture on ACTION PLAN

We got a case to solve:

Our solution:

7 I, lecture on the topic COMMUNICATION

The case from this topic is connected with the case from the topic RELATIONS, so we will not receive it until February

22 I, lecture on the topic FINANCE
We received a case for solution:\

We are in the process of solving it.


VILO Student Council

Summary of the student project: 80/90 Day

Please visit the photo gallery

On Friday, February 28, the final of the first edition of the student project was held in our school. The Ministry of Democracy in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture organized many attractions for students, so students could dance to the rhythm of the music
from those times, get changed or watch the movie “Dirty Dancing”.

There was also a competition, as a result of which Maja Karpisz from class 1eP was awarded and will receive a special statuette. Paulina Siwek and Mateusz Szymkowicz also took places on the podium. Congratulations to all participants and thank you very much for participating in this competition, you made us a lot of joy.

I must admit that there was a great atmosphere at school, allowing for a momentary detachment from current affairs. I hope that every student and teacher spent this day well and that it gave them as much fun as I did.

I would also like to invite everyone to vote in the next edition of the best student project. The vote will take place next Wednesday, March 4.

See you soon!

Simon Macnar

Minister of Democracy and Information

Discounts for students of High School No. 6

In order to encourage students to choose vegetarian and vegan alternatives to dishes, the Ministry of Ecology and Volunteering has organized food discounts to three places:

– Frankie’s, Ul. Miodowa 32 -20%

– Turlaj Klopsa, plac Izaaka, -15%

– Mazaya Falafel, ul. Starowiślna 10, -10%

The ministry chose places close to our school on purpose. The basis for obtaining a discount is the presentation of a school ID. We are looking for more venues that will be interested in taking part in our campaign.

Ministry of Ecology and Volunteering, Maja Matczewska / 2d /

The Student Project – voting by VILO students – the topic was won in the poll: day of the 80/90s

On February 28, for the first time, our school will host a thematic day, selected by voting for the best student project. Students will dress up as celebrities and ordinary people of the 1980s and 1990s. Throughout the day, we will be able to hear the greatest musical hits of those years (around the gym from 9:15), watch a film under the supervision of prof. Izabela Żelazna in the auditorium (13:35 – 15:05) or take part in the competition for the best outfit. We cordially invite you to participate, because the winner will receive a special award from the members of the VILO Self-Government.

We hope that Friday’s attractions will make their stay at school more pleasant and will make students learn how much power they have when it comes to school activities.

We will see you next Friday and also for the vote for the best student project on March 4!

Simon Macnar

Minister of Democracy and Information

Below are the results of the vote:

– 80/90 day – 271 votes, 29.8%

– Installing mirrors in bathrooms on the ground floor – 265 votes, 29.2%

– A Day in Pajamas – 179 votes, 19.7%

– Day of quick oxes – 147 votes, 16.2%

All the above-mentioned projects, apart from the winning proposal, will appear in the next vote.

The 15% threshold was not exceeded by the No Smoking Day project – 34 votes, 3.7%

12 invalid votes cast – 1.3%

Summary of the Vilentynka campaign in High School no

14.02. In 2020, we completed the Vilentynnes campaign in our school. It enjoyed great interest. It definitely exceeded all our – VILO Students’ Self-Government – expectations. Among the standard Valentine’s Day – hearts provided by the local government, you could also find cards made by students, stuffed animals, and even a goldfish !!

The Valentine’s Day Committee, led by Nicola Śliwińska and Julia Petrow, would like to thank the whole community of High School no. Thanks to your Valentine’s Day, PLN 840 was donated to the disabled.

Thank you for your big hearts!

Nicola Śliwińska / 2f /, Ministry of Intra-School Integration




Student project of the Self-government of High School No. 6 in group K5 – help for animals

From February 18 to March 3, 2020, we collect good-quality clothes, which will then take part in the Great Interschool Exchange of Clothes – Cat’s Frenzy.

The final will take place on March 5 in the auditorium of the 5th High School. Take as many clothes as you like for a can of food! The collected feed will be donated to the Stawiamy na Łapy foundation.


Our activities relate to: the activities of the Student Self-Government – the Ministry of Ecology:

project: Circle of Animal Life, as part of the “Olympics Exempt from Theory”, VI High School with the cooperation of other schools: High School No. 1, High School VIII, VII PLO.

Make your own social project!

Get an international certificate and a better job !!!

Act like US:

Student Council

Coordinators of Secondary School No. 6: Zuzanna Słobodzian, Magdalena Cieślik / 2d /

Vilentynki w VI LO

Dear students!

Our school, just like last year, organizes the Valentine’s Day mail on February 12-14, but it is not just sending Valentine’s Day to your friends. Our high school combines business with pleasure! For each sent heart, our students pay a fee of PLN 0.50, and the collected money will be donated to a good cause, i.e. to the Klika Foundation. It is an association of young volunteers, mainly students who bring help and joy to the disabled. This activity aims to integrate these people into society. The residents of Klika are struggling mainly with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as cerebral palsy, arthrogryposis, muscle atrophy and other associated diseases. Its slogan is “Get People Out of the House.”

If you want to know more, please visit:

Moreover, this year we are taking part in the interschool Valentine’s Day mail. We are not limited to our high school, but we want to cooperate with other schools in various projects. The campaign is also attended by: High School No. 1, High School No. 2, High School No. 5, High School No. 7, High School No.


Students’ Council VI LO


For us, for you, for VILO … Student Council for students …

The new student council introduced a new ministry dealing with democracy to the school. The ministry’s goal is to show students that they have an influence on what the school around them looks like. Therefore, the students were encouraged to share their ideas. Fortunately, many of them did! Therefore, on Wednesday, February 12, the school will be voted on. Students will choose the best project in their opinion. The topics vary, from a day in pajamas to the installation of mirrors in the bathroom on the ground floor. On behalf of the entire local government, I would like to thank you for such a great interest in our project, and I hope that on Wednesday we will not only start changing schools around us, but also learn that our voice matters, not only in school matters.

WE VOTE February 12 / Wednesday /

Minister of Democracy: Szymon Macnar 2g1

Feast of the patron of the school from the perspective of the student 19/12/2019 …. or photographs of Marcin Kamiński from class 2b1, Ministry of Culture

Zapraszamy do galerii zdjęć Marcina Kamińskiego “Talenty w VI LO”


Projects of the MOSAIC group – that is the innovative activity of the students of High School No. 6

Grupa Mosaic

was born on the initiative of a few young people, united by the desire to create individual projects that will bind common ideas and passions.

We believe that small segments can create something big. Just like in a mosaic – where small elements form a coherent whole. We connect young, aspiring artists from Krakow’s high schools, with a different view of the world, to together fully use the potential of each individual.

We stand in opposition to commercial art – focused on profit, not quality. We want to exist outside its structures, while being aware of the power of new media, we use them to create a new quality.

The goal of the Mosaic Group, by including cooperation with cultural institutions and schools is to ensure that our actions have a real impact on how people perceive the surrounding reality and how we – young people.

You have probably come across our posters and information materials in the VILO school corridors? Projects: “E (art) H,” The art of loving the body “

Are you creative? Do you want to implement projects creatively through art?

Please visit our website:

Gabriela Woźniak, Marcin Kamiński





Students of High School No. 6 for Ecology – reportage by Maja Matczewska

“Stronger than a locomotive, faster than a missile, jump over tall buildings in one jump!” – this is how we, Smogathon volunteers, were described by the team of this event.

Smogathon was established in 2015 as a response to the smog prevailing in Krakow. It reaches out to projects that fight air pollution through technology and then gives them the chance to win a cash prize that will take their projects to the next level.

On the initiative of the Students’ Self-Government, some VILO students helped in this extraordinary event, which took place on December 7 and 8. Their tasks as volunteers varied depending on the category chosen. The first was technical assistance – we had to lay out meals, including 90 pizza boxes :), set up and then hide a large number of tables, chairs and cables. Another category was work at the reception desk, i.e. greeting guests, checking if they are on the list and preparing name stickers. The task of the last group was to allocate the teams to specific rooms where the jurors were located and to check that the team did not exceed the time when presenting their projects.

Despite the fact that our work was quite responsible and, above all, exhausting, we had time to rest in the so-called chill wife. Thanks to a wonderful wall mural, hammocks and a kayak, we could feel like in Hawaii! In addition, we had the opportunity to meet fantastic people – volunteers from High School No. 10. In addition, we got acquainted with the problem of smog in Krakow and we got to know the ideas of the winning groups to fight it. Some of us even appeared on Ikea’s twitter promoting hotdogs ordered by Smogathon!

“Those few hours passed by in the blink of an eye. It was very pleasant to watch so many people who can contribute (or have already done it!) To the improvement of the air condition in Krakow. ” – says Albert Money from 2D

“Smogathon is a very inspiring event where we could see what the organization looks like and the course of such projects! It has taught us a lot. ” – says Zofia Twardowska from 2G1

I consider volunteering at Smogathon very successful and I encourage other VILO students to volunteer for help next year!

The VILO team taking part in Smogathon 2019: Maja Matczewska 2d, Bartosz Knap 2d, Albert Pieniądz 2d, Małgosia Pawlik 2d, Zosia Twardowska 2g1, Weronika Majta 2g1

the report was prepared by: Minister of Ecology and Volunteering – Maja Matczewska 2d

Zuzanna Słobodzian – representative of the VI High School and Golden Youth Leader talks about the activities in the Youth Council of Krakow

Summary of the implementation of the projects of high school students, implemented under the program

“Young Cracovians act locally”

Please visit the photo gallery

On November 28, 2019, a group of students from class 2d, implemented their project: “Andrzejkowa Event”, for the charges of St. Ludwiki in Krakow. Our goal was to bring joy and prepare a number of attractions for children, including: competitions, games, refreshments, karaoke, and discos.

“A child’s smile … costs so little, and means so much … the most precious to us …” – volunteers of the Secondary School No. 6.

We would like to thank the project team composed of: Maja Matczewska – project coordinator, Anna Kożuch, Izabela Bereźnicka, Izabela Bryńska, Daria Szuba – Łata, Lena Mitko, Karolina Węgrzyn, Magdalena Gil, Klara Kaczmarek.

On Friday, December 6, 2019, at our school, the action entitled “Students to help four-legged people – food collection and Big Sewing” had its finale. For the last two weeks, a collection of animal food was organized to support the charges of the La Fauna Foundation. We collected 78 kilograms of feed! On the other hand, the participants of the sewing workshops could make an ecological, reusable bag for fruits and vegetables. Thank you for all your support and participation in the action !!!

Project group: Zuzanna Słobodzian – project coordinator, Magdalena Cieślik, Alicja Grzyb

We would like to remind you that the implementation of both projects was carried out under the patronage of Fundacja Oświatowa im. Fr. Stanisław Konarski, and was financed by the Municipality of Krakow.

We would like to thank all volunteers for their creative, creative and selfless work !!



Announcement of the Election Commission on the results of the election for the President of the VI LO,
after the elections on November 15

Pursuant to §3 of the Student Self-Government Regulations, the President of the VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adam Mickiewicz in Krakow, Bartosz Knap was elected, from class 2d.



Interview with the president of VILO Michał Turcza

Where did the President’s idea to run in the elections to the student government come from?

Honestly, it was a very spontaneous decision. Last year, only my opponent, Kuba Kostrz, signed the appropriate number of signatures, so after a short conversation with colleagues, we decided that we would run in the elections. We decided that we would start the campaign as a group and from word to word I became a representative of our staff in which, however, everyone was equally important.

What achievements of your staff do you remember most?

Our greatest achievement was certainly VILENTINES 2019, a charity event organized a year ago for Valentine’s Day. The rules were simple, there was a Valentine’s Day mail service at school, collecting hearts with greetings, but we charged small fees for sending them. We allocated the collected funds to the aforementioned charity work. We are very pleased with this event because we have managed to motivate many students to help others. I have seen people who took part in cutting hearts as well as working in positions. Another action that we were able to join was an open letter from Krakow high schools regarding the teachers’ strike. I personally signed this document to support our educators in their fight for a decent salary. I also think that the recent help we provided to Paweł was a good initiative, even though it was not within our competences. Certainly, the campaign of collecting signatures in which even graduates of the school were involved, influenced the decision of the management in his case.

Did such dedication not make it difficult for you to study at school and keep in touch with your friends?

This is a difficult question because it depends on how you approach it. Certainly, due to the large number of new responsibilities, you have less contact with friends from old days or from other schools. However, I think that working in a local government strengthens ties with the people with whom you create it on a daily basis. As far as science is concerned, I did not feel any significant drop in grades. I only noticed that I had no time during the break for some revisions before the lesson when I had to do something.

In that case, do you think that local government activity develops people? If so, in what way?

Local government activity certainly develops people, of which I can be an example myself. Over the past year, I have learned a lot better to speak than I did in the first presidential debate. At that time I was stressed and I did not expect to win, so the results of the elections turned out to be a great surprise. My relations with staff members also developed, especially with the second vice-president, Miriam Guzik, who came up with the idea of ​​organizing the VILENTYNKI campaign.

What qualities do you think an ideal leader of the student council should have?

First of all, patience and perseverance are important because the time needed to implement the postulates may be long. Agreeing our plans with the local government, guardian and the subsequent approval of the management are processes necessary for any activities. Although it must also be admitted that there were events that were managed in a few days.

What advice can the president give to candidates in the current election campaign?

There is always a lot to be promised when it comes to the program. However, exactly how much of it will be realized is something completely different. In my opinion, it is important that if we have the possibility to implement any of the postulates, let us fulfill it. The people who vote for us give us a certain amount of credit that cannot be underestimated. I also recommend the continuation of certain projects in which the student council is actively involved, such as the Guild of Student Self-Governments. This institution, which has been forming since this year, can contribute a lot to the inter-school cooperation of Kraków high schools.

Interviewed by Bartłomiej Hałatek from class 2e


Election Debate of Candidates for the President of High School No. 6

Please visit the photo gallery

On November 12, 2019, an election debate took place with the participation of the proposed candidates: Jagoda Zajfryd, Hubert Cory, Hugo Połczyński and Bartosz Knap. The debate was prepared and conducted by the current Student Self-Government, under the supervision of prof. Włodarczyk. Among the invited guests, there were representatives of Student Self-Governments from friendly high schools in Krakow, including: High School No. 1, High School No. 2, High School No. 5 and High School No. 8.

The debate consisted of several panels. Candidates had 4 minutes to present their programs and demands. Then they could ask questions to their opponents. The current Presidium, election staffs and the guardian of the Students’ Self-Government, invited guests from the K5 group and the audience also directed their own questions to the candidates.

The final stage were summaries and election slogans of the candidates.

Who of the candidates won and convinced them to join the program?

It will be released on Friday – November 15, 2019, during the elections!

Decide, vote !!!

Candidates for the President of High School no

Here are the profiles of the candidates for the future President of Secondary School No. 6 in Krakow.

The Election Campaign has started!





Krakow Student Self-Government Day

Please visit the photo gallery

On October 23, 2019, in Hala Cracovia – Disabled Sports Center, a meeting and workshops of the Student Self-Governments of Secondary Schools were held, organized by the Department of Social Policy and Health.

VI High School was represented by: Michał Turcza, Miriam Guzik and Wojciech Bobrek.

The Krakow Student Self-Government Day is a unique opportunity for students and supervisors of student councils to exchange experiences and knowledge about the work of school self-governments.

As part of this year’s edition, workshops in the OPEN SPICE formula were prepared, the purpose of which was to select thematic areas that are of particular interest to young local government officials. In the discussion panels, the Self-government of Secondary School No. 6 considered, among others, about the division of duties and activation in the student council, the role of social media at school, forms of promoting school life, the feeling of comfort for students at school, improving the organization of Oxford debates.

At the meeting, a new project was also presented, as part of the program of active participation of young people in the life of the city “Young Krakow 2.0”: the Guild of Student Self-Governments, which is to significantly stimulate, integrate and activate student self-governments to undertake joint initiatives and projects.

You can learn more about the Student Councils Guild:

– from the Young Krakow Magazine, available in the school library of High School No. 6

– and on the website:

We would like to thank the Department of Social Policy and Health for sharing and the possibility of placing selected photos in the gallery of VI LO.




The self-government consists of all high school students, represented by the Student Council



President: Michał Turcza 3C

1st vice-president: Jakub Kostrz 3F

2nd Vice President: Miriam Guzik, 3C

Secretary: Julia Stolarska 3D, Julia Witaszek 3C

Spokesman: Natalia Rudnik 3C



Ministry of Integration: Edyta Buksa 3D, Ewa Kostrzon 3E, Alicja Wójcik 3F

Ministry of debates: Wojciech Bobrek 3C, Aleksander Szewczyk 3C

Ministry of Sport: Anna Bąk 3A3, Jan Więcek 3B

Ministry of VILO support: Damian Skiba 3C

Ministry of Culture: Jan Jurek 2A1, Mateusz Szymkowicz 2C, Maksymilian Term 2C, Bartosz Wychowanski 3E


Tutor: Magdalena Włodarczyk

1st session of the Youth Council of Krakow

On October 18, 2019, the 1st session of the Youth Council of Krakow took place at the Magistrate at Plac All Saints 3-4, attended by a representative of Secondary School No. 6 – Zuzanna Słobodzian, from grade 2d.

The overriding goal of the Council is to support and disseminate the idea of ​​self-government, and to shape pro-social, civic and democratic attitudes. The council, which is consultative, has the right and the ability to speak on behalf of students and take initiatives for the benefit of the youth of Krakow’s schools, and is their voice in the City Council.

The first session of the 7th term of the Youth Council of Krakow was chaired by the Chairman of the Krakow City Council – Mr. Dominik Jaśkowiec. As part of the meeting, elections of the presidium of the Council were held – the chairman was Ms. Katarzyna Chajduga from the Complex of Schools of Craft and Entrepreneurship of the Małopolska Chamber of Craft and Entrepreneurship in Krakow. proposals for: the organization of the European Congress of Ecology, and the need to promote and promote volunteering among young people from Krakow schools. On behalf of the Mayor of the City of Krakow, the Director of the Department of Education of the City of Krakow spoke – Mrs. Ewa Całus.

We congratulate Susanna on the nomination of the councilor and wish her success in the Youth Council of Krakow!


Youth Leaders are among us… and they come from KAS

Only a few, inquisitive people know that the title of Youth Leader is obtained after training at the Krakow Academy of Self-governance.

It is a school of social leaders, a series of workshops for students who want to improve their competences needed to work in a group. KAS is implemented by the City of Krakow, Department of Social Policy and Health, as part of a wide program of active participation of young people in the life of the city “Young Krakow 2.0”

The experience of many years of the academy’s existence shows that for young people, participation in it has become an excellent introduction to further social activity and a number of local government initiatives. They were accompanied by charity, both for children and seniors.

Here are the YOUTH LEADERS in the VI LO:

1. ANNA BĄK – class 3a3 – Diamentowy Lider

2. ANNA MATUSIAK – class 2b1 – Silver and Diamond Leader

3. EWA ŁAPIŃSKA – 3rd class – Diamond Leader

4. ZUZANNA SŁOBODZIAN – 2nd class – Golden Leader

5. KACPER BATOR – class 3a3 – Silver Leader

6. JULIA LENART- class 2g1 – Krakow Academy of Self-governance

If you want to become the Youth Leader of Krakow?

– work efficiently in a group? create your own social projects?

– broaden knowledge about life in civil society?

– learn about the functioning of the youth city council, non-governmental organizations, creating a civic budget?

– acquire practical skills in negotiation and self-presentation?

REQUEST TO CHECKOUT! More information can be found at:

2018/2019 events

Youth Conference of Student Self-Government Councils

On April 5, 2019, in the Debating Room of the City of Krakow, the Conference of Student Self-Governments of 26 Krakow upper secondary schools was held. VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. A. Mickiewicz was represented by: Ewa Kostrzon, Krystian Kroczek, Bartosz Wychowanski, class 2e, and Magdalena Włodarczyk was the representative of the SU tutor.

In the official part, speeches were presented by: the Chairman of the Youth Council of Krakow – Ms. Mateusz Kołodziejczyk, the Deputy Chairman – Ms. Izabella Rakowska, and invited guests, incl. from the District Council XV – Mr. Grzegorz Gil, acting Head of the Department of Social Policy and Health, Department for Youth – Mr. Mateusz Drożdż. In the next installment, Student Self-Governments presented and summarized the activities within their institutions, and in a discussion panel, they shared their experiences and attractive ideas that were supported and successfully implemented in their school. At the same time, SU caretakers participated in a discussion panel with the participation of special guests entitled “Future of Youth”.


Legal workshops – January 28, 2019

On January 28, 2019, the Students’ Self-Government organized legal workshops at our school. In time prepared by SEED. Cracow events in a simulated courtroom met the teams of I LO im. Bartłomiej Nowodworski and the 5th High School for them. August Witkowski. The course of the case was led by legal advisor Jan Marczyński, who played the role of a judge, who shared with the guests valuable tips and experiences. During the hearing, it was possible to consult Anna Wojcieszczak, a doctoral student of law.

We would like to thank all participants for coming and encourage them to participate in the next events